Experimental Neuromuscular Pathology

The group studies the cellular and molecular basis of neuromuscular disorders, particularly motor neuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). For which we use in vitro and in vivo models, mainly chicken embryo and transgenic mice. Several lines of work are currently underway to examine the role of excitotoxicity, autoimmunity and neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of ALS and SMA, and to identify new cellular and molecular targets for future therapies. Another important aspect of our research is the analysis of plastic changes at central and peripheral synapses in the context of normal development, aging and diseases affecting motor neurons.
Featured publication
Tapia, O; Narcis, JO; Riancho, J; Tarabal, O; Piedrafita, L; Caldero, J; Berciano, MT; Lafarga, M
Cellular bases of the RNA metabolism dysfunction in motor neurons of a murine model of spinal muscular atrophy: Role of Cajal bodies and the nucleolus
Responsable/s de grup

Jordi Calderó Pardo
Biomedicine I / Biomedicina I
1st floor / 1a planta