Job offers

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The development of a recruitment and selection policy in accordance with the principles of open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R) is the result of the implementation of Action 7 of the HRS4R Action Plan, which complies with the principles 13. Recruitment (Code), 14. Transparency, 16. Judging merit, 20. Seniority, 27. Gender balance, OTM-R check list principles: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23. Remember that you can find all the information at HR Excellence in Research.

Action 7. Develop a Policy on Recruitment and Selection of IRBLLEIDA personnel according to Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment (OTMR) principles.

  • Develop the Recruitment and Selection (OTM-R) policy of IRBLleida personnel.
  • Define standard and unified criteria for the judging merit prioritization, evaluation and selection of candidates.
  • Publish an English version of the OTM-R policy in the website.
  • Include a balanced representation of profiles, competences and gender equality in selection committees.
  • Provide specific training to selection committees in transparent and merit-based selection policies.
  • Implement and disseminate immigration guidelines, publishing a version of the guidelines online in English.
  • Monitor the Recruitment and Selection Policy of IRBLleida through the annual measurement and analysis of the specific indicators defined in this action.
  • Improve the adequate feedback to interviewees about the internal recruitment process, the selection criteria and the results.

Pre-doctoral researcher for the Research group of health care

006-25 Offer - CLOSED

Veterinarian to support research activities with pigs for CREBA

009-25 Offer - CLOSED

Technician for the Research Talent Attraction Office (OCPI)

007-25 Offer - CLOSED

Outstanding Researchers Call 2025

008-25 Offer

Senior Research technician for the Clinical Neurosciences Group

004-25 Offer - CLOSED

Technician for Transfer and Innovation Unit

005-25 Offer - CLOSED