Sleep: the Fourth Pillar of Health
Scientific leaders
Ferran Barbé
Institute for Research in Biomedicine Lleida
Lluís de Lecea
Stanford University
Jornada de la Central de Resultats. Dades 2017
Es faran públics els resultats assistencials i els indicadors de qualitat dels diferents agents que conformen el sistema sanitari integral d'utilització pública de Catalunya (SISCAT).
"Towards the targeted therapy for triple negative breast cancer using nanoparticles, iPeps and CRISPR-dCas9 technology"
Seminar: Curs de formació continuada en investigació
IRBLleida retreat
XI Workshop on the presentation of research work
Visit the search for La Marató de TV3
"Visita la recerca de La Marató" initiative brings you to the advances in research that promote solidarity, thanks to the donations to La Marató.
Course of Clinical Cardiology: End of term in Les Avellanes
About 40 resident doctors from all over the state, who are finishing the specialty of cardiology, and eleven cardiologists of the highest prestige in their respective areas will meet from June 14th to 16th at the Monestir de les Avellanes, in Os de Balaguer (Lleida), to carry out the sixth edition of the Fi de Curs a les Avellanes, a course in clinical cardiology aimed at resident cardiology doctors.
10th Research Day of the Catalan Institute of Health
On June 7th, 2018, the Cosmocaixa will host the 10th Research Day of the Catalan Health Institute and the 11th Research Day of the Primary Care Research Institute IDIAPJGol, which will have as its central theme the use of large clinical databases for Research in improving health.