How is the research carried out in Lleida to confront the coronavirus progressing?
Day: October 28st
Time: 15.00h
Place: Instagram @irblleida
7th IRISCAT seminar
Dra. Sol Fernández Gonzalo
How is the research carried out in Lleida to confront the coronavirus progressing?
Day: October 21st
Time: 15.00h
Place: Instagram @irblleida
How is the research carried out in Lleida to confront the coronavirus progressing?
Day: October 15th
Time: 19.00h
Place: Instagram @irblleida
6th IRISCAT seminar
Dra. Clara Prats, Researcher in the Computational Biology and Complex Systems group at the UPC, and head of computational models at the Center for Comparative Medicine and Bioimaging of the Germans Trias i Pujol Health Sciences Research Institute (IGTP)
How is the research carried out in Lleida to confront the coronavirus progressing?
Day: September 30th
Time: 19.00h
Place: Instagram @irblleida
How is the research carried out in Lleida to confront the coronavirus progressing?
Day: September 25th
Time: 15.00h
Place: Instagram @irblleida
5th IRISCAT seminar
Dr. Jessica González, specialist physician in the Department of Pneumology at the Arnau University Hospital of Vilanova de Lleida and researcher in the Translational Research in Respiratory Medicine research group at IRBLleida
How is the research carried out in Lleida to confront the coronavirus progressing?
Day: September 16th
Time: 19.00h
Place: Instagram @irblleida