In compliance with Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the Lleida Biomedical Research Institute (IRBLleida) publishes the following information:
- Statute (CAT)
- Institutional, organizational and administrative structure
- Financial, accounting and budget management
- Salary table
- List of workplaces (RLT)
- Public procurement
- Quality policy and good scientific practices
- Anti-Fraud Plan
- Anti-Fraud Plan
- Declaration assuming the commitment of the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida - Fundació Doctor Pifarré to fight against fraud.
- Mailbox for anonymous complaints:
- To exercise your rights and obligations in terms of transparency, ethics, conflicts of interest and fraud, click on any of the following two options:
- Platform of the Intervención General de la Administració del Estat (IGAE) for the communication of information on fraud and/or irregularities affecting European funds: IGAE:Comunicación de información sobre fraudes o irregularidades que afecten a fondos europeos (
- Anonymous complaints mailbox of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, secure telematic channel for submitting complaints anonymously: Anonymous complaints mailbox - Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia.
- To exercise your rights and obligations in terms of transparency, ethics, conflicts of interest and fraud, click on any of the following two options:
- Equality plan
- Equal opportunities and gener equality plan
- Protocol for the prevention, detection and action against sexual harassment and harrassment based on sex or gender
- Protocol for the prevention, detection, action and resolution of workplace bullying and other forms of discrimination at work
- Labor rights guide for victims of gender-based violence or sexual violence
- Law 5/2008 of 24 April on the right of women to eradicate male gender violence
- Recommendations for inclusive communication in health research (Hypatia Community)
- Plan for Equality and non-discrimination of LGTBIQ+ people 2025-2027 (ESP)
- Training Plan
- IRBLleida regulation
- Results of satisfaction surveys (this section publishes the results of the surveys carried out on the degree of user satisfaction with the public services and/or activities managed by IRBLleida in order to comply with article 60 of Law 19/2014, of 29 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance).
- 2023: IRBLleida quality plan survey (spanish)
- 2022: IRBLleida quality plan survey (spanish)
- 2021: IRBLleida quality plan survey (spanish)
- 2020: IRBLleida quality plan survey (spanish)
- Communication information
- IRBLleida
- Corporate Social Responsability Book (CAT)
- Welcome pack
- Guidelines for the Management of the Mobility of the Foreign Researcher in Spain
- Informative brochure 2023 (ESP-CAT)
- Social balance report
- Overheads policy
- Ombudsperson:
- The IRBLleida has an ombudsperson whose mission is to ensure scientific integrity at the Institute. The ombudsperson at IRBLleida is Dr. Joan Viñas, former rector of the University of Lleida (UdL), professor of the Faculty of Medicine and head of the Section of General Surgery at the Arnau Vilanova University Hospital. Dr. Viñas is a member of different health care ethics committees and founded the research ethics committee of the Lleida Health Region. The Ombudsperson has the mission of contributing to prevent ethical irregularities and provide young researchers with a framework of confidence in compliance with the code of conduct. Cases may be referred to the Ombudsperson regarding disagreements between researchers, conflicts and integrity issues, scientific malpractice or non-compliance with the IRBLleida or CERCA Code of Conduct:
- In addition, according to the CERCA Code of Conduct CERCA centers will inform the CERCA Institution of the existence of a conflict of scientific integrity that is of sufficient relevance and, in parallel, raise it to the CERCA Ombudsperson, under parameters of strict confidentiality and respect for the people allegedly involved. Relevant cases may be related with the revision or retraction of articles and that may result in disciplinary measures or that involve the direction or management of the center (
- The IRBLleida has an ombudsperson whose mission is to ensure scientific integrity at the Institute. The ombudsperson at IRBLleida is Dr. Joan Viñas, former rector of the University of Lleida (UdL), professor of the Faculty of Medicine and head of the Section of General Surgery at the Arnau Vilanova University Hospital. Dr. Viñas is a member of different health care ethics committees and founded the research ethics committee of the Lleida Health Region. The Ombudsperson has the mission of contributing to prevent ethical irregularities and provide young researchers with a framework of confidence in compliance with the code of conduct. Cases may be referred to the Ombudsperson regarding disagreements between researchers, conflicts and integrity issues, scientific malpractice or non-compliance with the IRBLleida or CERCA Code of Conduct:
- Protection issues: protecciodedades(ELIMINAR) - (Elena Moscatel)
- Use of animals in research
- Stakeholders: Stakeholders are individuals or legal entities of a private nature that participate actively in public policies or in decision-making processes involving the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia and its public sector in order to influence in the orientation of these policies in defense of self-interest or of third parties, or of a general interest. The Register gives stakeholders a number of advantages when it comes to interacting with the Administration and the public sector and accessing information about their activities and initiatives. Registration.
- Gifts
- Register of Treatment Activities (CAT)
If you want to contact the IRBLleida regarding its rules on transparency, send your comments and suggestions to: info(ELIMINAR)