Data quality matters. Data Organization and cleaning
- Types
- Staff IRBLleida
- Date of registration period
- Start date
- Monday, April 28, 2025
- End date
- Monday, May 19, 2025
- Teachers
Montse Martínez, IRBLleida Biostatistics Unit
- Characteristics: the course will deal with the importance of having a reliable database and the impact of missing data, depending on the different types of data, on the assessment of the external validity of our data. The course will have a very practical content that will be structured in a first part of design and creation of a good database, either in Excel, Jamovi or REDCap (the most recommended and accessible by IRBLleida researchers), and a second part of debugging and initial validation, and cleaning or correction if necessary, which is always efficient to do as a previous step in any statistical analysis. The course will also introduce the FAIR principles of data in the context of open science and aspects related to data documentation.
- Public: Predoctoral research staff (10 positions).
- Institution of origin: All seconded staff.
- Duration: 15h.
- Calendar:
- April: 28, 30.
- May: 5, 7, 14, 19.
- Time: 13.45 to 16.15 hours.
- Location: Martina Castells room (Biomedicina II, 4th floor)
- Format: face-to-face.
- Format: classroom-based.
- Accreditation: SCT Statistics of IRBLleida.
- Registration OPEN.