Research > Cancer

Developmental and Oncogenic Signaling

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  • Blasco N; Beà A; Barés G; Girón C; Navaridas R; Irazoki A; López-Lluch G; Zorzano A; Dolcet X; Llovera M; Sanchis D

    Involvement of the mitochondrial nuclease EndoG in the regulation of cell proliferation through the control of reactive oxygen species

    Redox Biology 37 101736-101736. .


  • Barceló C; Sisó P; Maiques O; García-Mulero S; Sanz-Pamplona R; Navaridas R; Megino C; Felip I; Urdanibia I; Eritja N; Soria X; Piulats JM; Penin RM; Dolcet, X; Matias-Guiu, X; Marti, RM; Macia, A

    T-Type calcium channels as potential therapeutic targets in vemurafenib-resistant BRAF V600E melanoma: TTCCs are therapy target in BRAF V600E melanoma.



  • Javier-Torrent M; Marco, S; Rocandio, D; Pons-Vizcarra, M; Janes, PW; Lackmann, M; Egea, J; Saura, CA

    Presenilin/gamma-secretase-dependent EphA3 processing mediates axon elongation through non-muscle myosin IIA

    eLife 8 -. .


  • Cemeli, T; Guasch-Valles, M; Nàger M; Felip, I; Cambray, S; Santacana, M; Gatius, S; Pedraza, N; Dolcet, X; Ferrezuelo, F; Schuhmacher, AJ; Herreros, J; Gari, E

    Cytoplasmic cyclin D1 regulates glioblastoma dissemination

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 248 501-513. .


  • Vaquero, M; Cuesta, S; Anerillas, C; Altes, G; Ribera, J; Basson, MA; Licht, JD; Egea, J; Encinas, M

    Sprouty1 Controls Genitourinary Development via its N-Terminal Tyrosine



  • Felip, I; Moiola, CP; Megino-Luque, C; Lopez-Gil, C; Cabrera, S; Sole-Sanchez, S; Muñoz-Guardiola P; Megias-Roda, E; Perez-Montoyo, H; Alfon, J; Yeste-Velasco, M; Santacana, M; Dolcet, X; Reques, A; Oaknin, A; Rodriguez-Freixinos, V; Lizcano, JM; Domènech C; Gil-Moreno, A; Matias-Guiu, X; Colas, E; Eritja, N

    Therapeutic potential of the new TRIB3-mediated cell autophagy anticancer drug ABTL0812 in endometrial cancer

    GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY 153 425-435. .


  • Fuste, NP; Guasch, M; Guillen, P; Anerillas, C; Cemeli, T; Pedraza, N; Ferrezuelo, F; Encinas, M; Moralejo, M; Gari, E

    Barley beta-glucan accelerates wound healing by favoring migration versus proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts

    CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 210 389-398. .


  • Dosil, MA; Navaridas, R; Mirantes, C; Tarragona, J; Eritja, N; Felip, I; Urdanibia, I; Megino, C; Domingo, M; Santacana, M; Gatius, S; Piñol C; Barcelo, C; Maiques, O; Macia, A; Velasco, A; Vaquero, M; Matias-Guiu, X; Dolcet, X

    Tumor suppressive function of E2F-1 on PTEN-induced serrated colorectal carcinogenesis

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 247 72-85. .


  • Fleitas, C; Piñol-Ripoll G; Marfull, P; Rocandio, D; Ferrer, I; Rampon, C; Egea, J; Espinet, C

    proBDNF is modified by advanced glycation end products in Alzheimer's disease and causes neuronal apoptosis by inducing p75 neurotrophin receptor processing

    MOLECULAR BRAIN 11 68-68. .


  • Cambray, S; Portero-Otin, M; Jove, M; Torreguitart, N; Colàs-Campàs L; Sanz, A; Benabdelhak, I; Yemisci, M; Dalkara, T; Dönmez-Demir B; Egea, J; Purroy, F

    Metabolomic Estimation of the Diagnosis and Onset Time of Permanent and Transient Cerebral Ischemia

    MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY 55 6193-6200. .


  • Cicvaric, A; Yang, JY; Bulat, T; Zambon, A; Dominguez-Rodriguez, M; Kuhn, R; Sadowicz, MG; Siwert, A; Egea, J; Pollak, DD; Moeslinger, T; Monje, FJ

    Enhanced synaptic plasticity and spatial memory in female but not male FLRT2-haplodeficient mice

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 3703-3703. .


  • Eritja, N; Felip, I; Dosil, MA; Vigezzi, L; Mirantes, C; Yeramian, A; Navaridas, R; Santacana, M; Llobet-Navas, D; Yoshimura, A; Nomura, M; Encinas, M; Matias-Guiu, X; Dolcet, X

    A Smad3-PTEN regulatory loop controls proliferation and apoptotic responses to TGF-beta in mouse endometrium

