Doctoral thesis reading - Staff #IRBLleida
Lía Alza Blanco
Doctoral thesis reading - Staff #IRBLleida
Sílvia Gras Artells
Doctoral thesis reading - Staff #IRBLleida
Anna Gil Sánchez
Doctoral thesis reading - Staff #IRBLleida
Abel Lucido Garbulo
Doctoral thesis reading - Staff #IRBLleida
Sulamita Carvalho Brugger
II Jornadas de las plataformas ISCIII de apoyo a la I+D+i en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud
Lleida is hosting the 'II Jornadas de las plataformas ISCIII de apoyo a la I+D+i en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud', which will take place at the Llotja Conference Centre on 28, 29 and 30 October 2024.
15th Research Conference of the Catalan Institute of Health
"Breathing the future: challenges and research strategies in respiratory diseases"
Researchers Night 2024
Visit IRBLleida