Diego Arango Del Corro
Degree: PhD
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/M-5667-2016
Tögel L; Nightingale R; Wu R; Chüeh AC; Al-Obaidi S; Luk I; Dávalos-Salas M; Chionh F; Murone C; Buchanan DD; Chatterton Z; Sieber OM; Arango D; Tebbutt NC; Williams D; Dhillon AS; Mariadason JM
DUSP5 is methylated in CIMP-high colorectal cancer but is not a major regulator of intestinal cell proliferation and tumorigenesis.
Dopeso H; Rodrigues P; Bilic J; Bazzocco S; Cartón-García F; Macaya I; de Marcondes PG; Anguita E; Masanas M; Jiménez-Flores LM; Martínez-Barriocanal Á; Nieto R; Segura MF; Schwartz S; Mariadason JM; Arango D
Mechanisms of inactivation of the tumour suppressor gene RHOA in colorectal cancer.
Mateo-Lozano S; Bazzocco S; Rodrigues P; Mazzolini R; Andretta E; Dopeso H; Fernández Y; Del Llano E; Bilic J; Suárez-López L; Macaya I; Cartón-García F; Nieto R; Jimenez-Flores LM; de Marcondes PG; Nuñez Y; Afonso E; Cacci K; Hernández-Losa J; Landolfi S; Abasolo I; Ramón Y Cajal S; Mariadason JM; Schwartz S; Matsui T; Arango D
Loss of the EPH receptor B6 contributes to colorectal cancer metastasis.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 43702-43702. .
Andretta E; Cartón-García F; Martínez-Barriocanal Á; de Marcondes PG; Jimenez-Flores LM; Macaya I; Bazzocco S; Bilic J; Rodrigues P; Nieto R; Landolfi S; Ramon Y Cajal S; Schwartz S; Brown A; Dopeso H; Arango D
Investigation of the role of tyrosine kinase receptor EPHA3 in colorectal cancer.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7 41576-41576. .
Tögel L; Nightingale R; Chueh AC; Jayachandran A; Tran H; Phesse T; Wu R; Sieber OM; Arango D; Dhillon AS; Dawson MA; Diez-Dacal B; Gahman TC; Filippakopoulos P; Shiau AK; Mariadason JM
Dual Targeting of Bromodomain and Extraterminal Domain Proteins, and WNT or MAPK Signaling, Inhibits c-MYC Expression and Proliferation of Colorectal Cancer Cells.
Gener P; Rafael DF; Fernández Y; Ortega JS; Arango D; Abasolo I; Videira M; Schwartz S
Cancer stem cells and personalized cancer nanomedicine.
Nanomedicine 11 307-320. .
Gener P; Gouveia LP; Sabat GR; de Sousa Rafael DF; Fort NB; Arranja A; Fernández Y; Prieto RM; Ortega JS; Arango D; Abasolo I; Videira M; Schwartz S
Fluorescent CSC models evidence that targeted nanomedicines improve treatment sensitivity of breast and colon cancer stem cells.
Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 11 1883-1892. .
Bazzocco S; Dopeso H; Carton-Garcia F; Macaya I; Andretta E; Chionh F; Rodrigues P; Garrido M; Alazzouzi H; Nieto R; Sanchez A; Schwartz S; Bilic J; Mariadason JM; Arango D
Highly Expressed Genes in Rapidly Proliferating Tumor Cells as New Targets for Colorectal Cancer Treatment.
Cartón-García F; Overeem AW; Nieto R; Bazzocco S; Dopeso H; Macaya I; Bilic J; Landolfi S; Hernandez-Losa J; Schwartz S; Ramon y Cajal S; van Ijzendoorn SC; Arango D
Myo5b knockout mice as a model of microvillus inclusion disease.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5 12312-12312. .
Shin J; Carr A; Corner GA; Tögel L; Dávalos-Salas M; Tran H; Chueh AC; Al-Obaidi S; Chionh F; Ahmed N; Buchanan DD; Young JP; Malo MS; Hodin RA; Arango D; Sieber OM; Augenlicht LH; Dhillon AS; Weber TK; Mariadason JM
The intestinal epithelial cell differentiation marker intestinal alkaline phosphatase (ALPi) is selectively induced by histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) in colon cancer cells in a Kruppel-like factor 5 (KLF5)-dependent manner.
Journal Of Biological Chemistry 290 15392-15392. .
Acun T; Demir K; Oztas E; Arango D; Yakicier MC
PTPRD is homozygously deleted and epigenetically downregulated in human hepatocellular carcinomas.
Rodrigues P; Macaya I; Bazzocco S; Mazzolini R; Andretta E; Dopeso H; Mateo-Lozano S; Bilic J; Cartón-García F; Nieto R; Suárez-López L; Afonso E; Landolfi S; Hernandez-Losa J; Kobayashi K; Ramón y Cajal S; Tabernero J; Tebbutt NC; Mariadason JM; Schwartz S; Arango D
RHOA inactivation enhances Wnt signalling and promotes colorectal cancer.
Nature Communications 5 5458-5458. .
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