Vilanova, MB; Franch-Nadal, J; Falguera, M; Marsal, JR; Canivell, S; Rubinat, E; Miro, N; Molló À; Mata-Cases, M; Gratacòs M; Castelblanco, E; Mauricio, D
Prediabetes Is Independently Associated with Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis: An Observational Study in a Non-Urban Mediterranean Population.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 1-11. .
Alcubierre, N; Granado-Casas, M; Real, J; Perpiñán H; Rubinat, E; Falguera, M; Castelblanco, E; Franch-Nadal, J; Mauricio, D
Spanish People with Type 2 Diabetes Show an Improved Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet.
Nutrients 12 -. .
Granado-Casas, M; Castelblanco, E; Ramirez-Morros, A; Martin, M; Alcubierre, N; Martinez-Alonso, M; Valldeperas, X; Traveset, A; Rubinat, E; Lucas-Martin, A; Hernandez, M; Alonso, N; Mauricio, D
Poorer Quality of Life and Treatment Satisfaction is Associated with Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes without Other Advanced Late Complications
Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 -. .
Molló À; Berenguera, A; Rubinat, E; Vlacho, B; Mata, M; Franch, J; Bolibar, B; Mauricio, D
INTEGRA study protocol: primary care intervention in type 2 diabetes patients with poor glycaemic control
BMC Family Practice 20 25-25. .
Granado-Casas, M; Ramirez-Morros, A; Martin, M; Real, J; Alonso, N; Valldeperas, X; Traveset, A; Rubinat, E; Alcubierre, N; Hernandez, M; Puig-Domingo, M; Lecube, A; Castelblanco, E; Mauricio, D
Type 1 Diabetic Subjects with Diabetic Retinopathy Show an Unfavorable Pattern of Fat Intake
Nutrients 10 -. .
Carbonell, M; Castelblanco, E; Valldeperas, X; Betriu À; Traveset, A; Granado-Casas, M; Hernandez, M; Vazquez, F; Martin, M; Rubinat, E; Lecube, A; Franch-Nadal, J; Fernandez, E; Puig-Domingo, M; Avogaro, A; Alonso, N; Mauricio, D
Diabetic retinopathy is associated with the presence and burden of subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes
Cardiovascular Diabetology 17 66-66. .
Alonso, N; Traveset, A; Rubinat, E; Ortega, E; Alcubierre, N; Sanahuja, J; Hernandez, M; Betriu, A; Jurjo, C; Fernandez, E; Mauricio, D
Type 2 diabetes-associated carotid plaque burden is increased in patients with retinopathy compared to those without retinopathy (vol 14, 33, 2015)
Cardiovascular Diabetology 17 49-49. .
Hernandez, M; Lopez, C; Real, J; Valls, J; Ortega-Martinez de Victoria E; Vazquez, F; Rubinat, E; Granado-Casas, M; Alonso, N; Moli, T; Betriu, A; Lecube, A; Fernandez, E; Leslie, RD; Mauricio, D
Preclinical carotid atherosclerosis in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), type 2 diabetes and classical type 1 diabetes
Cardiovascular Diabetology 16 94-94. .
Vilanova, MB; Falguera, M; Marsal, JR; Rubinat, E; Alcubierre, N; Catelblanco, E; Granado-Casas, M; Miro, N; Mollo, A; Mata-Cases, M; Franch-Nadal, J; Mauricio, D
Prevalence, clinical features and risk assessment of pre-diabetes in Spain: the prospective Mollerussa cohort study
Bmj Open 7 -. .
Alcubierre, N; Navarrete-Munoz, EM; Rubinat, E; Falguera, M; Valls, J; Traveset, A; Vilanova, MB; Marsal, JR; Hernandez, M; Granado-Casas, M; Martinez-Gonzalez, D; Jurjo, C; Franch-Nadal, J; Vioque, J; Mauricio, D
Association of low oleic acid intake with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetic patients: a case-control study
Nutrition & Metabolism 13 40-40. .
Alcubierre, N; Martinez-Alonso, M; Valls, J; Rubinat, E; Traveset, A; Hernandez, M; Martinez-Gonzalez, MD; Granado-Casas, M; Jurjo, C; Vioque, J; Navarrete-Munoz, EM; Mauricio, D
Relationship of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet with health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a post-hoc analysis of a cross-sectional study
Rubinat E; Marsal JR; Vidal T; Cebrian C; Falguera M; Vilanova MB; Betriu À; Fernández E; Franch J; Mauricio D
Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis in Asymptomatic Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing 31 1-7. .
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