Esther Rubinat Arnaldo

Esther Rubinat Arnaldo

Degree: PhD



  • Traveset, A; Rubinat, E; Ortega, E; Alcubierre, N; Vazquez, B; Hernandez, M; Jurjo, C; Espinet, R; Ezpeleta, JA; Mauricio, D

    Lower Hemoglobin Concentration Is Associated with Retinal Ischemia and the Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes

    JOURNAL OF DIABETES RESEARCH 2016 3674946-3674946. .


  • Berenguera, A; Molló-Inesta À; Mata-Cases, M; Franch-Nadal, J; Bolibar, B; Rubinat, E; Mauricio, D

    Understanding the physical, social, and emotional experiences of people with uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study

    Patient Preference And Adherence 10 2323-2332. .


  • Rubinat E; Ortega E; Traveset A; Arcidiacono MV; Alonso N; Betriu A; Granado-Casas M; Hernández M; Soldevila J; Puig-Domingo M; Jurjo C; Fernández E; Mauricio D

    Microangiopathy of common carotid vasa vasorum in type 1 diabetes mellitus

    Atherosclerosis 241 334-338. .


  • Alcubierre N; Valls J; Rubinat E; Cao G; Esquerda A; Traveset A; Granado-Casas M; Jurjo C; Mauricio D

    Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with the Presence and Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    JOURNAL OF DIABETES RESEARCH 2015 374178-374178. .


  • Arcidiacono MV; Rubinat E; Borras M; Betriu A; Trujillano J; Vidal T; Mauricio D; Fernández E

    Left carotid adventitial vasa vasorum signal correlates directly with age and with left carotid intima-media thickness in individuals without atheromatous risk factors

    Cardiovascular Ultrasound 13 20-20. .


  • Alonso, N.; Traveset, A.; Rubinat, E.; Ortega, E.; Alcubierre, N.; Sanahuja, J.; Hernández, M.; Betriu, A.; Jurjo, C.; Fernández, E.; Mauricio, D.

    Type 2 diabetes-associated carotid plaque burden is increased in patients with retinopathy compared to those without retinopathy

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 14 -. .


  • Alcubierre, N.; Rubinat, E.; Traveset, A.; Martinez-Alonso, M.; Hernandez, M.; Jurjo, C.; Mauricio, D.

    A prospective cross-sectional study on quality of life and treatment satisfaction in type 2 diabetic patients with retinopathy without other major late diabetic complications



  • Arcidiacono, Maria Vittoria; Rubinat, Esther; Ortega, Emilio; Betriu, Angels; Fernandez, Elvira; Mauricio, Didac

    Pseudo-enhancement does not explain the increased carotid adventitial vasa vasorum signal in diabetic patients

    Atherosclerosis 229 459-461. .


  • Arcidiacono MV; Traveset A; Rubinat E; Ortega E; Betriu A; Hernández M; Fernández E; Mauricio D

    Microangiopathy of large artery wall: A neglected complication of diabetes mellitus

    Atherosclerosis 228 142-147. .



  • The effect of a workplace active pauses intervention on the reduction of cardiovascular risk factors in call center workers: a mixed methods study
  • Ajut Predoctoral UdL 2024
  • SOMCare: Integració de robots d'assistència domiciliària per millorar l'autonomia i la qualitat de vida de les persones.
  • Xarxa TECSAM Grup de Recerca en Cures de la Salut (GReCS)
  • INVESTIGO 2022: Grup de Recerca de cures de salut (GRECS)
  • NextPerception - Next generation smart perception sensors and distributed intelligence for proactive human monitoring in health, wellbeing, and automotive systems
  • La salud circadiana en pacientes ingresados en unidades de cuidados intensivos y de hospitalización (CHRONOHOSPI)
  • Eficacia del programa de ejercicios OTAGO aplicado de forma grupal versus individual en la probabilidad de caídas de personas entre 65-80 años no institucionalizadas
  • Estudio exploratorio de órganos diana no clásicos de la microangiopatía diabética