Intensive Medicine
- Number of publications
- 179
Contreras, S; Vich, CGE; Caballero, J
Practical approach to inhaled sedation in the critically ill patient. Sedation, analgesia and Delirium Working Group (GTSAD) of the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) (vol 48, pg 467, 2024)
Medicina Intensiva 49 -. .
Henríquez-Beltrán, M; Benítez, ID; Vaca, R; Santisteve, S; Aguila, M; Vila, A; Minguez, O; Rodríguez-Muñoz, C; Galán-González, A; Carvalho-Brugger, S; González, P; Rodríguez, P; Caballero, J; Barbera, C; Torres, G; Labarca, G; Malla-Banyeres, M; Moncusí-Moix, A; Torres, A; de Gonzalo-Calvo, D; Barbé, F; González, J; Targa, ADS
The trajectory of sleep after critical illness: a 24-month follow-up study
Annals of Intensive Care 15 -. .
Barbeta, E; Barreiros, C; Forin, E; Guzzardella, A; Motos, A; Fernández-Barat, L; Gabarrús, A; Ceccato, A; Ferrer, R; Riera, J; Peñuelas, O; Lorente, JA; de Gonzalo-Calvo, D; Gonzalez, J; Amaya-Villar, R; Añón, JM; Balan, A; Barberà, C; Barberán, J; Blandino, A; Boado, MV; Bustamante-Munguira, E; Caballero, J; Cantón-Bulnes, ML; Carbajales, C; Carbonell, N; Catalán-González, M; Franco, N; Galbán, C; Gumucio-Sanguino, VD; de la Torre, MD; Díaz, E; Estella, A; Gallego, E; Gómez, JM; Huerta, A; García, RNJ; Loza-Vázquez, A; Marin-Corral, J; Delgado, MCM; Martínez, A; Martínez, I; Lopez, J; Albaiceta, GM; Nieto, MT; Novo, MA; Peñasco, Y; Pérez-García, F; Ricart, P; Rodríguez, A; Sagredo, V; Sánchez-Miralles, A; Sancho, S; Roche-Campo, F; Socias, L; Solé-Violan, J; Tamayo, L; Trenado, J; Ubeda, A; Valdivia, LJ; Vidal, P; Barbé, F; Vallverdú, J; Torres, A
Mechanical power is not associated with mortality in COVID-19 mechanically ventilated patients
Annals of Intensive Care 15 -. .
Lopez-Delgado, JC; Sanchez-Ales, L; Flordelis-Lasierra, JL; Mor-Marco, E; Bordeje-Laguna, ML; Portugal-Rodriguez, E; Lorencio-Cardenas, C; Vera-Artazcoz, P; Aldunate-Calvo, S; Llorente-Ruiz, B; Iglesias-Rodriguez, R; Monge-Donaire, D; Martinez-Carmona, JF; Gastaldo-Simeón, R; Mateu-Campos, L; Gero-Escapa, M; Almorin-Gonzalvez, L; Nieto-Martino, B; Vaquerizo-Alonso, C; Grau-Carmona, T; Trujillano-Cabello, J; Servia-Goixart, L; ENPIC Study Grp
Nutrition Therapy in Critically Ill Patients with Obesity: An Observational Study
Nutrients 17 -. .
Reyes, LF; Torres, A; Olivella-Gomez, J; Ibáñez-Prada, ED; Nseir, S; Ranzani, OT; Povoa, P; Diaz, E; Schultz, MJ; Rodríguez, AH; Serrano-Mayorga, CC; De Pascale, G; Navalesi, P; Skoczynski, S; Esperatti, M; Coelho, LM; Cortegiani, A; Aliberti, S; Caricato, A; Salzer, HJF; Ceccato, A; Civljak, R; Soave, PM; Luyt, CE; Ekren, PK; Rios, F; Masclans, JR; Marin, J; Iglesias-Moles, S; Nava, S; Chiumello, D; Bos, LD; Artigas, A; Froes, F; Grimaldi, D; Panigada, M; Taccone, FS; Antonelli, M; Martin-Loeches, I; European Network ICU-Related Resp Infect ENIRRIs; European Resp Soc-Clinical Res Collaboration Investigators
Factors Associated with Mortality in Nosocomial Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: An ENIRRI Analysis
Antibiotics-Basel 14 -. .
Barea-Mendoza, JA; Chico-Fernández, M; Ballesteros, MA; Manuel, AC; Castaño-Leon, AM; Egea-Guerrero, JJ; Lagares, A; Morales-Varas, G; Pérez-Bárcena, J; Goixart, LS; Llompart-Pou, JA
Resuscitation and Initial Management After Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Questions for the On-Call Shift
Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 -. .
Ferrer, R; Castro, P; Lorencio, C; Monclou, J; Marcos-Neira, P; Ochagavía, A; Ruíz-Rodríguez, JC; Trenado, J; Villavicencio, C; Yébenes, JC; Zapata, L
Ten take-home messages on vasopressin use in critically ill patients
Medicina Intensiva 48 704-713. .
Hernández-Cabré, L; Ulldemolins-Rams, M; Vilanova-Corsellas, J; Torras, C
Effects of Channelling a Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter on Blood Flow
Fluids 9 -. .
Henríquez-Beltrán M; Vaca R; Benítez ID; González J; Santisteve S; Aguilà M; Minguez O; Moncusí-Moix A; Gort-Paniello C; Torres G; Labarca G; Caballero J; Barberà C; Torres A; de Gonzalo-Calvo D; Barbé F; Targa ADS
Sleep and Circadian Health of Critical Survivors: A 12-Month Follow-Up Study.
Critical Care Medicine 52 1206-1217. .
Contreras, S; Vich, CGE; Caballero, J
Practical approach to inhaled sedation in the critically ill patient. Sedation, Analgesia and Delirium Working Group (GTSAD) of the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC)
Medicina Intensiva 48 467-476. .
Rodríguez, A; Gómez, J; Franquet, A; Trefler, S; Díaz, E; Sole-Violán, J; Zaragoza, R; Papiol, E; Suberviola, B; Vallverdú, M; Jimenez-Herrera, M; Albaya-Moreno, A; Berlanga, AC; Ortiz, MD; Ballesteros, JC; Amor, LL; Chinesta, SS; de Alba-Aparicio, M; Estella, A; Martín-Loeches, I; Bodi, M
Applicability of an unsupervised cluster model developed on first wave COVID-19 patients in second/third wave critically ill patients
Medicina Intensiva 48 326-340. .
Ramirez-Hidalgo, MF; Gonzalez, EL; Moles, SI; Garcia, CA; Munoz, JMR; Ortega, RL; Naves, LG; Sanchez, AB; Jover-Saenz, A
Diagnostic challenges of recurrent malaria in non-endemic areas