Research > Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases and Public Health

Health Education, Nursing, Sustainability and Innovation Research Group (GREISI)

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Publications search
  • Torné-Ruiz A; Sanromà-Ortiz M; Corral-Nuñez A; Medel D; Roca J; García-Expósito J

    Management from a multidisciplinary perspective of phlebitis related to peripheral venous catheter insertion: An international Delphi study.

    Nursing Open 11 -. .


  • Seck, F; Masot, O; Carey, N; Roca, J; Botigué, T; Pueyo, EP; Santamaría, AL

    Nurses' perceived barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nurse prescribing: Delphi study and focus group

    Journal Of Advanced Nursing 80 2106-2120. .


  • Medel D; Reguant M; Cemeli T; Jiménez Herrera M; Campoy C; Bonet A; Sanromà-Ortíz M; Roca J

    Analysis of Knowledge and Satisfaction in Virtual Clinical Simulation among Nursing Students: A Mixed Study.

    Nursing Reports 14 1067-1078. .


  • Medel D; Cemeli T; White K; Contreras-Higuera W; Jimenez Herrera M; Torné-Ruiz A; Bonet A; Roca J

    Clinical decision making: validation of the nursing anxiety and self-confidence with clinical decision making scale (NASC-CDM ©) into Spanish and comparative cross-sectional study in nursing students.

    BMC NURSING 23 265-265. .


  • Sanz-Osorio MT; González-Diez L; Sánchez-Rueda G; Vallès V; Escobar-Bravo MA; Monistrol O

    Humanised care in acute psychiatric hospitalisation units: Definition, values and strategic initiatives from the perspective of persons with mental health problems, primary carers and professionals.

    Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 31 228-239. .


  • Labadía, EF; Masot, O; Vidal, LLT; Botigué, T; Bielsa-Gracia, S

    Educational interventions and identification of risk factors to prevent and reduce peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis: A scoping review

    Journal Of Renal Care 50 307-318. .


  • Botigué, T; Camí, C; Selva-Pareja, L; Masot, O; Espart, A; Campoy, C; Roca, J

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Two Years after the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study

    Journal of Nursing Management 2024 -. .


  • Torné-Ruiz A; Reguant M; Sanromà-Ortiz M; Piriz M; Roca J; García-Expósito J

    Assessment, Treatment, and Follow-Up of Phlebitis Related to Peripheral Venous Catheterisation: A Delphi Study in Spain.

    Healthcare 12 -. .


  • Torné-Ruiz, A; García-Expósito, J; Bonet, A; Masot, O; Roca, J; Selva-Pareja, L

    Evolution of Scientific Production on Phlebitis Secondary to Vascular Access: A 71-Year Bibliometric Analysis

    Nursing Reports 13 1635-1647. .


  • Torralbas-Ortega, J; Roca, J; Coelho-Martinho, R; Orozko, Z; Sanromà-Ortiz, M; Valls-Ibáñez, V

    Affectivity, sexuality, and autism spectrum disorder: qualitative analysis of the experiences of autistic young adults and their families

    BMC Psychiatry 23 -. .


  • Masot O; Ochoa Herrera JJ; Paraíso Pueyo E; Roca J; Miranda J; Lavedán A

    The impact of docosahexaenoic acid on maternal mental health: scoping review.



  • Tort-Nasarre G; Espart A; Galbany-Estragués P; Álvarez B; Subias-Miquel M; Romeu-Labayen M

    Experiences of Telenursing in Overcoming Challenges and Applaying Strategies by COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation: Qualitative Study in Primary Care.

    Healthcare 11 -. .
