Area: Chronic diseases, Surgery and Health Care

Area coordinator: Dr. José Manuel Valdivielso Revilla and Dr. Montserrat Gea Sanchez

The area contains 6 groups dedicated to determining the pathophysiological mechanisms of vascular, renal, metabolic and pulmonary diseases. In addition, research is being conducted on new surgical methods and strategies to promote healthy aging.


< Research

Cardiac Physiology and Pathology

Group leader
  • Fernando Worner Diz

The Cardiac Physiology and Pathology group is formed by researchers with a strong clinical background...

Clinical & Experimental Surgery group (CESurG)

Group leader
  • Rafael Villalobos Mori

The Clinical & Experimental Surgery group (CESurG) group is a multidisciplinary group made up of professionals from the fields of surgery, anaesthesia, veterinary medicine, technical research and management who work to develop research projects in surgical pathology, either by designing experimental models with large animals (pigs) to facilitate translational research, or by participating in multicentre clinical trials to innovate and improve clinical outcomes, and to maintain continuous training in diagnostic and surgical techniques for professionals in health and animal sciences, through hybrid simulation...

Digestive Diseases Research Group - DdRG

Group leader
  • Francesc Xavier Molero Richard

The Digestive Diseases Research Group gathers a combination of researchers around common objectives on the study of the epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases...

Research Group in Immunology and Metabolism (GRIM)

Group leaders
  • Juan Verdaguer Autonell
  • Concepción Mora Giral
  • Albert Lecube Torelló

The Research Group in Immunology and Metabolism (GRIM) is subdivided into 2 nodes that represent the basic and clinical research of the group...

Research group of health care (GReCS)

Group leader
  • Montserrat Gea Sanchez

The group is mainly made up of nurses and physiotherapists from both clinical practice (Santa Maria University Hospital, Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital and Primary Care) and teaching (Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy of the University of Lleida)...

Translational research in respiratory medicine group

Group leader
  • Ferran Barbé Illa

The group consists of basic, clinical and epidemiological researchers, who work at the Lleida Biomedical Research Institute (IRBLleida), a collaborating center of the University of Lleida...

Vascular and renal translational research group

Group leader
  • Jose Manuel Valdivielso Revilla

Vascular and Renal Translational Research (VRTR) Group from the IRBLleida is a multidisciplinary group with basic and clinical scientists working in an integrated environment...