Research group of Cancer Biomarkers (GReBiC)

Our research group is translational, multidisciplinary and young. It is composed of medical doctors specialized in Medical Oncology, Internal Medicine, Radiotherapy Oncology and Clinical Analysis; and basic researchers trained in Biosciences (Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedicine and Biotechnology) with a high degree of cohesion. The work of our group focuses on three main lines of research related to cancer: i) Digestive tumors: colorectal cancer, gastric cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma; ii) Breast cancer and iii) Pleural effusion. All three lines address high-prevalence diseases in our society that are associated with a high mortality rate. We work with basic and translational research approaches to respond to the great challenges posed by these pathologies, which are: providing markers for diagnosis, stratifying the risk of recurrence or metastasis and predicting the good therapeutic response to different treatments. In addition, new highly innovative therapies based on gene editing are being developed in our group.
Featured publications
Codony-Servat, J; Cuatrecasas, M; Asensio, E; Montironi, C; Martinez-Cardus, A; Marin-Aguilera, M; Horndler, C; Martinez-Balibrea, E; Rubini, M; Jares, P; Reig, O; Victoria, I; Gaba, L; Martin-Richard, M; Alonso, V; Escudero, P; Fernandez-Martos, C; Feliu, J; Mendez, JC; Mendez, M; Gallego, J; Salud, A; Rojo, F; Castells, A; Prat, A; Rosell, R; Garcia-Albeniz, X; Camps, J; Maurel, J
Nuclear IGF-1R predicts chemotherapy and targeted therapy resistance in metastatic colorectal cancer
Porcel, JM; Sole, C; Salud, A; Bielsa, S
Prognosis of Cancer with Synchronous or Metachronous Malignant Pleural Effusion
Lung 195 775-779. .
Responsable/s de grup

Jose Manuel Porcel Pérez

Antonia Salud Salvia

Maria Alba Sorolla Bardaji
Biomedicine I /Biomedicina I
Ground floor / Planta baixa