Completed the Biomedicine complex of the University of Lleida
With module 2 there are already 9,000 square meters dedicated to research in this field
With the building of Biomedicine-module 2, the University of Lleida has completed the Biomedicine complex of the Health Sciences campus that is located in the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital. With this equipment of 4,011 m2, it reaches 9,000 square meters dedicated to research in this field that includes 34 groups and a total of 417 researchers and researchers.
Today, the rector of the UdL, Roberto Fernández, accompanied by the director of IRBLleida, Elvira Fernández, the president of the Provincial Council, Rosa M. Perelló and the mayor of Lleida, Fèlix Larrosa, have inaugurated the last performances that have taken place in this campus: the construction and equipment of Biomedicine 2 and the exterior urbanization of the common areas of the complex, which have cost 7.68 million euros -ported by the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputación de Lleida, the FEDER 2007- 2013 and the UdL itself.
All the authorities have highlighted in their parliaments the importance of collaboration between administrations to pull ahead projects such as the one that has been inaugurated today and as "the only way that can make us grow", in the words of Elvira Fernández. Even so, the director of IRBLleida has asked for more involvement in order to attract research talent to Lleida in front of the competition from Barcelona.
On the other hand, both the president of the Provincial Council and the mayor have claimed the commitment of their respective institutions with the UdL and have announced that they will continue in this direction.
The rector thanked the work carried out by all the people who work in the IRBLleida for its efficiency in scientific production "if we compare it, he said, with other centers that have more resources". That is why to continue with this success it is necessary the work of the whole world and more resources, he added.
The Biomedicine 2 hosts six IRBLleida research groups: Translational Research in Respiratory Medicine, Systems Biology and Statistical Methods for Research, Clinical Neurosciences, Neurocognition, Personality Psychobiology and Behavioral Genetics, Brain Development and Evolution Immunology and Metabolism; as well as the following scientific and technical services: Biobanc, Ubiosat, Metabolomics, Microscopy and Citrometry, Pharma, Cell cultures and UDETMA-vascular image laboratory. Those attending the event were able to visit the Biobanc and the spaces of the clinical Neurosciences research group today.
The Health Sciences campus in the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital complex is made up of the two buildings of biomedicine, the Arnau Teaching Unit and the teaching building and the animal center. It is little more than 14,000 square meters, 5,000 dedicated to teaching and 9,000 dedicated to research.
Text: Press Office of the University of Lleida