Ferreteria Albert Soler renews its collaboration with the IRBLleida
In order to promote, develop, manage and promote biomedical research and research training in the field of health sciences
The company of Lleida Ferreteria Albert Soler renews its collaboration with the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida), with the purpose of promoting, developing, managing and disseminating biomedical research and training in research in the field of health sciences. One of the objectives of the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida is to promote the relationship between healthcare, teaching and scientific research. In this regard, Albert Soler S. A. felt it desirable to collaborate in the field of scientific research and research projects.
Currently, IRBLleida has the support of more than 150 companies and Lleida entities, with the help of which the research carried out by the groups has given important results, since it has allowed them to better understand these diseases and improve their health. attention, diagnosis and treatment.
Ferreteria Albert Soler S.A offers, for 30 years more than 50,000 products of reference, destined to cover with great solvency the needs of the consumers: wholesalers, retailers and public in general. With a team of nearly 100 workers, specially prepared for each of the company's departments, Albert Soler offers a highly technical and qualified service in each and every one of the facets that entails a fast, responsible and safe service.