IRBLleida International Postdoctoral Programme - Deadline: July 29, 2016
The IRBLleida offers 5 postdoctoral positions addressed to highly talented and motivated experienced researchers.
The IRBLleida International Postdoctoral Programme (IRBLLEIDA-IPP; FP7-PEOPLE-2013-COFUND) offers in this 3rd call 5 postdoctoral positions for a two year postdoctoral stay. The aim is to attract international talent to the five major research areas in IRBLleida: Stress in Biological Systems, Medicine and Experimental Therapeutics, Cellular and Molecular Models for Human Pathologies, Neuroscience and Experimental Medicine.
The programme is actively and internationally promoted, as well as opened to worldwide researchers in an equal opportunity basis. Eligibility for the programme requires geographical mobility. The application procedure is simple, clear and applicant friendly. The evaluation is based on two stages (previous scientific achievements and research project) and the selection procedure is centred on the excellence of the candidates.
Postdoctoral researchers will have the opportunity to join one research group at the Institute, and will follow an individual research project under the supervision and mentoring of group leader/s in a stimulating and multidisciplinary scientific environment. They will have access to the Institute scientific facilities and scientific life. The main peculiarity of the program is consigned to the candidate him/herself and his/her research project role as principal investigator. Fellows joining IRBLleida under this programme have a two year employment contract, including full security coverage, which also includes health and accident insurance, pension and unemployment benefits. The contract is complemented with a travel allowance, a contribution to research costs and a complementary training programme to gain and develop non-scientific skills useful for the fellow’s career development.
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