An IRBLleida researcher, President of the Organizing Committee of the 13th National Congress of Mycology
The conference takes place at the Center for Border Cooperation and Cultures at the University of Lleida (UDL) Cappont campus, between 20 and 22 June.
Lleida, 17th June 2016
One hundred experts from all over Spain, Mexico and Chile will participate next week in the 13th National Congress of Mycology, which will take place at the Center for Border Cooperation and Cultures at the University of Lleida (UDL), campus Cappont, between 20 and 22 June. On the table, issues such as invasive fungal infections, which cause complications in immunocompromised patients, advances in antifungal drugs or the use of fungal cells as a model for the study of oxidative stress and aging human employing teachers UdL Enric Herrero and Mª Ángeles de la Torre.
The organizing committee of the meeting comprises professors of the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSEA) UdL and professionals University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova. The president of the committee and Professor of Microbiology at the University of Lleida, Mª Ángeles de la Torre says they have decided to reduce the plenary sessions to accommodate more short oral communications "and encourage the participation of young doctoral and postdoctoral researchers." De la Torre is also the principal investigator IRBLleida.
The meeting aims to be a forum to exchange knowledge and establish potential research networks that promote the advancement of Mycology in Spain. They bring together basic scientists and clinicians from all over the country to treat the study of fungi from different aspects: model systems for studying human diseases, clinical and biotechnological applications.
In the three days of the conference involved experts from universities such as the University of Lleida, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​the Complutense of Madrid, the Basque Country (UPV), the Cadiz or Antofagasta (Chile), among others . It also will feature specialists from hospitals such as Arnau de Vilanova, Sant Pau in Barcelona, ​​Navarra hospital complex or Gregorio Marañón in Madrid and research centers of the CSIC and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. The plenary lectures will be given by Enric Herrero (UDL), Javier Pemán (Hospital La Fe, Valencia) and Guillermo Quindós (UPV).
"In relation to antifungal include the work of Antonio Ramos and other scientists from the Department of Food Technology ETSEA, and as for invasive fungal infections, the medical specialists Arnau de Vilanova as Montserrat Vallverdú of Intensive Care, "said De la Torre.
Information: Oficina de Premsa de la UdL