Grup Voltes renews its collaboration with IRBLleida

They have been collaborators since 2007

The Grup Voltes has been a collaborating company with IRBLleida since 2007. This year 2025, this construction company has also renewed its collaboration with biomedical research in Lleida to investigate relevant diseases in order to provide better services to our population.

Grup Voltes started its business activity in the year 1954, specialized in agricultural work such as land levelling, improving and transforming farms and building water reservoirs for irrigation. Progressively, the company has experienced continuous growth, based on the use of new technologies and the constant updating of new working methods and equipment, capable of managing any type of works and diversifying the traditional line towards other activities and comprehensive services in the infrastructure sector in both the public and private sectors.

The head of Promotion at IRBLleida, Josep Maria Bosch, with the head of Grup Voltes, Vicenç Voltes