IRBLleida maintains its commitment to scientific dissemination and programs 14 workshops for children of 1st ESO in the academic year 2023-2024

8 workshops have already been held for the program funded by the “la Caixa” Foundation and the FECYT

More than 400 children from 12 to 16 years of age from schools in the province of Lleida have held a scientific workshop at IRBLleida during the 2023-2024 academic year. For the third time, IRBLleida launched last October the IRBLleida-Fundació "la Caixa" scientific education programme, co-financed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), to bring biomedical research closer to young people.

In total, IRBLleida has offered 14 workshops in which the student has made a first approach to what research is for the benefit of health, has met researchers from Lleida and has carried out a practice on the difference between viruses and bacteria.

To date, 8 workshops have been held, which had been open to all the educational centers of the province, where they have participated: the Institut Màrius Torres, Lestonnac de Lleida, the Institut Lo Pla d'Urgell de Bellpuig, the Institut Escola Magraners de Lleida, the Col·legi Sant Jaume - Les Heures de Lleida, the Escola Pia Balaguer and the Verduna Tàrrega school. Over the coming months, six more workshops will be held.

The workshops are open to all the educational centers of the province