Enginyers Lleida and IRBLleida commit to regenerative medicine
Dr. Serafí Cambray explains in a talk how stem cells can treat human diseases
"Restoring the function and structure of the body's tissues and organs through the use of cells, tissues and biological materials. This is the aim of regenerative medicine, which focuses on the body's natural capacity to regenerate and repair damaged tissues", said Serafín Cambray, PhD in Molecular Biology, at a conference this morning at the headquarters of the College of Industrial Technical Engineers of Lleida (Enginyers Lleida). An act with which Enginyers Lleida formalises its annual support to the biomedical research centre, IRBLleida.
This discipline, which has experienced exponential growth in the last ten years, "has gone from establishing stem cell culture methods to generate specific cell populations, to manufacturing functional mini-organs or the use of 3D printers to regenerate specific tissues", said the professor at the University of Lleida and researcher at IRBLleida.
The talk also focused on the great expectations created among the population, as well as on the great milestones that lie ahead for regenerative medicine and the treatments that are already available to the public, the most promising experimental therapies, as well as those discoveries that will take years to be reflected in daily clinical practice.
Cambray also highlighted some of the most common approaches to regenerative medicine, including cell transplantation, gene therapy, stem cell stimulation and the use of biological materials as scaffolds for tissue growth. He stressed that the aim of this medicine is to create safe and effective treatments that allow patients to recover their quality of life and reduce the need for chronic or palliative treatments.
Serafín Cambray Carner has spent 20 years of his scientific career working in the fields of neurobiology, regenerative medicine, cerebral infarction, cardiovascular genetics and kidney disease. He has participated and participates in several projects - both national and international - and has 26 publications in international scientific journals that have been cited more than 750 times. Cambray holds a degree in Biology from the Universitat de Barcelona, a PhD in Molecular Biology from the UdL and is a lecturer at the same university, as well as a postdoctoral researcher in the Vascular and Renal Translational Research Group (VRTR) at IRBLleida.
The researcher Serafín Cambray has given the talk at Enginyers Lleida (Photo © Sara Bobet (Messages))