Mamapop contributes more than 192,000 euros to breast cancer research in Lleida
It becomes the first solidarity organisation in the Lands of Lleida
Mamapop contributes more than 192,000 euros to breast cancer research in Lleida and becomes the first solidarity organisation in the Lands of Lleida. Today, 26 January, the organisers handed over the cheque with the amounts raised in the last four sessions of the solidarity concert: 54,290 euros. Over the 7 editions since 2014, a total donation of 192,789 euros has been raised for breast cancer research projects led by Dr. Serafín Morales, a doctor at the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital in Lleida and researcher at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Lleida (IRBLleida).
The creator and head of Mamapop, Manel Simon Barbero, is very satisfied with the social response to this musical project, the main objective of which is to contribute to the financial support of these scientific and medical research projects.
The show has managed to mobilise up to 4,000 people who have attended the 4 sessions offered at the Llotja theatre of Mamapop Latino, three at the end of November and the Mamapop de Reyes, and its impact has reached, through the promotional videos on social networks, an audience of up to 55,000 users.
This year Mamapop has produced its most complex and demanding show by covering the best-known Latin songs, with 45 musicians on stage and with the collaboration of the Escola L'Intèrpret and the Jove Orquestra simfònica de Ponent led by its president, Marc Oliva. In this way Mamapop also wants to contribute to the development of artistic and musical talent in Lleida by promoting young performers.
The act of delivery of the 54,290 was held at the IRBLleida facilities and was attended by the president and executive director of Mamapop, Manel Simon Barbero, the director of IRBLleida, Diego Arango, the manager of IRBLleida, Eva López, the doctor of the medical oncology service of the HUAV and researcher of the research group Biomarkers in Cancer Research Group (GReBiC) of IRBLleida, Serafín Morales, the researcher of the research group Biomarkers in Cancer Research Group (GReBiC) of the IRBLleida, Serafín Morales, the president of ADIMA-Association of women undergoing breast surgery, Digna De Torres, the musical director of Mamapop, Josep Maria Bossa, the technical director of Mamapop and director of the Escola L'Intèrpret, Alfons Pérez, the president of the JOP-Jove Orquestra de Ponent, Marc Oliva and representatives of the solidarity companies: Atlas Energía, Asurbrok, Viveros Sisco Palacio, Fundación La Caixa and members of the Mamapop team: Sara Buira, Nuria González, Marta Massot, Jordi Masip, Albert Martín, Rosa Expósito and Gina Raymat.

Mamapop handed over the cheque with the amounts raised in the last four sessions of the solidarity concert