IRBLleida and the University of Lleida each receive 100,000 euros to be used for research and the Health Sciences Library
Teresa Ribalta, the widow of Roc Pifarré i Florejachs after whom the Research Institute is named, has made the two financial donations
The Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida, Dr. Pifarré Foundation (IRBLleida) and the University of Lleida (UdL) have each received 100,000 euros from Teresa Ribalta, the widow of the Lleida cardiologist Roc Pifarré Florejachs, after whom IRBLleida is named.
As for the IRBLleida, the donation will be used to promote research and improve the health of future generations, while for the UdL, the money will go to the Health Sciences Library to increase its library collection and improve library equipment related to research into heart disease.
"This generous donation of material brings value to the institution, above all, because the UdL is taken into consideration by the family of a person of academic and scientific prestige such as Dr. Pifarré" said the rector of the UdL, Jaume Puy. For his part, the director of IRBLleida, Diego Arango, pointed out that "Dr. Pifarré is a very important figure for IRBLleida, for research and for Lleida, and the donation of Teresa Ribalta will contribute to promoting biomedical research in Lleida. We encourage citizens to make more altruistic donations to research for the benefit of the entire population".
Roc Pifarré Florejachs (1929-2010) was head of the department of thoracic and cardiopulmonary surgery at Loiola University Medical Center in Chicago and professor emeritus of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery at Loiola University Medical Center Stritch in Maywood, Illinois (United States). A pioneer in coronary surgery, he was considered one of the best surgeons in the world.
Since September 1993, he has been honorary president for life of IRBLleida, an institution created to manage and channel biomedical research in the health institutions of the Lleida Health Region. In 1991, he was awarded the Exemplary Lleida Award and in 1995 he was awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi. In addition, he was invested Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Lleida on 28th April 1999 and in 2009 he was awarded the 1st City of Lleida International Award.
In 2016 the Library and Documentation Unit of the UdL incorporated the legacy of the Lleida surgeon and cardiologist Roc Pifarré Florejachs thanks to a donation from his widow. This legacy, currently deposited in the Health Sciences Library, includes personal documentation, such as photographs, correspondence, a manuscript of his memoirs, titles and acknowledgements; professional material, as well as his personal library that includes books written by him.

In 2016 the Library and Documentation Unit of the UdL received the legacy of the surgeon and cardiologist from Lleida