The IRBLleida reactivates research seminars and becomes online
They are carried out thanks to the virtual teaching platform of the University of Lleida
Last Friday, May 15, the 'Friday Seminars' resumed at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Lleida (IRBLleida), one of the most important activities for the dissemination of science carried out at the Institute and which had been stopped by the situation health alert and social confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 'Friday Seminaris' are now carried out virtually thanks to the online teaching platform of the University of Lleida. These are internal seminars, only the Institute staff have access, where the research staff update the biomedical research carried out in Lleida. It is also an opportunity for researchers in training to make their first oral presentations.
On the other hand, IRBLleida has also activated external seminars virtually. These are also sessions aimed at the IRBLleida community. The first seminar will take place on May 25 with the viewing and subsequent debate of 'Scientifilia', a short documentary on the profession of doing science seen from the eyes of 4 researchers. The external seminars will continue on June 3 with the session of Israel Fernández, from the Research Institute of the Hospital de la Santa Creu and Sant Pau, and on July 1, with the seminar by Juan Antonio Moreno of the University of Córdoba.

The researcher Marc Güell carried out a seminar in February in Lleida