10th Research Day of the Catalan Institute of Health
11th Research Day of the Institute of Research in Primary Care IDIAPJGol
On June 7th, 2018, the Cosmocaixa will host the 10th Research Day of the Catalan Health Institute and the 11th Research Day of the Primary Care Research Institute IDIAPJGol, which will have as its central theme the use of large clinical databases for Research in improving health.
The ICS research days are a great opportunity to learn about the research that is being done in their institutes and to create a space for communication and exchange of experiences from the various round tables and posters that are presented.
This year the central theme of the joint ICS-IDIAPJGol conference is the use of large clinical databases for research in improving health. Lately, much is being said about the massive data (Big Data and Real World Data). In Catalonia, important platforms are growing around the PADRIS, the SIDIAP and other large databases that allow an enormous amount of clinical data to be searched. A new area of research is being created with new techniques and designs to allow the adequate use of this data. What do these large databases provide? What new challenges do they pose? What is its potential?
In this Conference we intend to present several examples that can help us answer these questions. The 10th ICS Research Day will be held in conjunction with the 11th IDIAPJGol Research Day, in order to promote communication and the exchange of experiences among the various institutes of the ICS.
During the meeting, the names of the winners of the 2018 call for the Prize for the Research Path to ICS Hospitals, the Prize for the Research Career in Primary Care of the ICS and the Prize for the Researcher or Young Researcher will also be made public. , who want to distinguish, with an activity of recognized scientific level, the significant contribution to the development of research in health sciences in the field of ICS. The objective of these awards is to encourage and recognize high quality biomedical research, preclinical and clinical, that is carried out in the institution.
This year, the best two posters will also be awarded. Although the theme is free, those related to the central theme of this year's conference will be prioritized: research with large databases, and the winners will be announced at the end of the day.