Comittees and boards
IRBLleida committees and commissions
IRBLleida is structured into different committees and commissions to organize its activity.
Commission for Internal scientific evaluation
Més informacióThe Commission for Internal scientific evaluation (hereinafter CIAC), is the permanent evaluation commission and its function is to supervise the processes of evaluation and prioritization of proposals that are submitted to different calls, both coordinated by the IRBLleida and by other funding sources.
To establish the appropriate evaluation criteria for each call for applications that requires prioritisation and/or selection of internal candidates.
To evaluate and prioritise the proposals received in accordance with the established criteria.
To draw up the terms and conditions for internal calls for applications, which will subsequently be reviewed and, if necessary, approved by the JRC and the IRBLleida Board of Directors.
To communicate the results of the assessment to the IRBLleida management.
To respond to possible complaints and/or grievances related to points 1 and 2.
To review and approve proposals submitted to ISCIII calls for proposals
To monitor periodically the internal grants that may be required.
To produce reports on the evaluations carried out (feedback). In case of consultation, comments on the proposal can be made available to each candidate/researcher.
- Manel Portero Otín, president
- Anna Verdugo Oliver, secretary
- Joaquín Bonelli Blasco
- Milica Bozic
- David de Gonzalo Calvo
- Núria Eritja Sánchez
- Helena Fernandez Lago
- Montserrat Gea Sánchez
- Xavier Gallart Palau
- Robert Montal Roura
- Jose Manuel Valdivielso Revilla
- Ester Vilaprinyó Terre
Biosafety Commission
Més informacióThe concept of biosafety encompasses a broad and diversified set of regulatory groups related to the protection of living beings and the environment from biological agents, factors and risks. These include regulations on plant health, animal health, food safety, human health and safety, environmental safety and biodiversity protection.
The IRBLleida's Biosafety Commission is responsible for assessing the biosafety risk of projects initiated at the institution, providing support in training activities for users of rooms with biosafety level 2 or higher, proposing improvements to processes or protocols and advising the centre's management on biosafety issues.
The committee meets monthly, every second Monday of the month.
The templates to be assessed must be sent to the committee's e-mail address one week before the meeting so that they can be included in the agenda.
Biosafety manual (ESP)
Application for work with Biological Agents II (CAT)
Accident and Incident Report (CAT)
- To participate, while verifying the degree of compliance with current legal and internal regulations, in the assessment, identification, review and approval of facilities and research and teaching activities related to the export or import, the release into the environment, contained use, production, transport, commercialisation, packaging, destruction and/or elimination of biological agents, whether genetically modified or not, and the derivatives, products or samples that contain them. The Committee is entitled to request from the research personnel responsible for a given project or procedure with biosafety implications, the additional information it considers necessary for the performance of its functions.
- To carry out a prior assessment of the installations and activities that require authorisation, before notifying the competent authority, as well as to establish a register and custody of the legally required documentation.
- To control and guarantee that the IRBLleida's activities and installations comply with current legal and internal regulations.
- To establish the biosafety procedures to be applied by the IRBLleida Biosafety Committee.
- To issue the certificates required of it in accordance with its competences.
- Proposing, when necessary, the improvement of facilities/equipment in terms of biosafety.
- To register the reception and packaging of biological agents, GMOs and/or their derivatives classified in risk group two or higher.
- To review information on biological incidents or accidents and notify the competent authorities of any incident, contamination or serious accident involving biohazardous material.
- To disallow the initiation and suspend any activity that is not in accordance with current regulations.
- To assess and inform IRBLleida management of any complaints submitted by any member of the research community regarding possible irregularities in areas within the Committee's remit.
- To assess and train research teams working in laboratories on aspects related to biosafety.
- To ensure that the confidentiality of the data and information provided to the Committee is guaranteed.
- To guarantee the necessary coordination with the scientific and technical services of the IRBLleida, the Ethics and Animal Experimentation Committee (CEEA) of the University of Lleida, the Ethics and Animal Experimentation Committee (CEEA) of CREBA and the Ethics Committee for Research with Medicines.
- Any other function attributed to it by law or by the governing bodies of the IRBLleida.
- Maria Ruiz Miró, president
- Núria Bahi Pla, secretary
- Marcelí Bermúdez López, member
- Eloi Garí Marsol, member
- Eva López Truco, member
- Eva Parisi Capdevila, member
- Neus Pedraza Gonzalez, member
- Carme Piñol Felis, member
- Alicia Sánchez de la Torre, member
- Petya Vladeva Valcheva, member
Teaching Committee
Més informacióThe IRBLleida Teaching Committee facilitates the compliment of the Institute's Training Plan and gives answers to the Directorate's questions on training-related aspects.
Drawing up the annual Training Plan for IRBLleida staff linked to the general objectives of the Institute, adapting it to the different job profiles.
To monitor training activities (attendance register), control their quality (surveys) and the system of access to training activities.
Controlling the expenditure arising from training activities. -
To receive and prioritise training proposals in accordance with IRBLleida and staff objectives.
To advise and inform the Internal Scientific Committee of training needs and any incidents that may arise.
To prepare an annual report on compliance with the Training Plan (report).
- Glòria Arqué Fusté
- Marcelino Bermúdez López
- Silvia Bielsa Martín
- David de Gonzalo Calvo
- Fabien Delaspre
- Ester Desfilis Barceló
- Dolors Garcia Olmo
- Alberto Marín Sanguino
- Meritxell Martín Garí
- Elena Moscatel Mendelsohn
- Èlia Obis Monné
- Eva Parisi Capdevila
- Francesc Purroy Garcia
- Arabela Sanz Alcázar
- Joan Sayós Ortega
- Meritxell Soria Yenez
- Anabel Sorolla Bardaji
- Oriol Yuguero Torres
- José Manuel Valdivielso Revilla
Work council
Més informacióThe IRBLleida Works Council is the representative body of the company's employees and contractors. The members of the Committee are elected democratically for 4-year mandates and the number of representatives to be appointed is related to the number of staff contracted to the company.
- Advice and defense of workers' rights.
- Ordinary meetings with Management.
- Negotiation of the Collective Agreement or other collective agreements with the Management.
- Inspection of the decisions, actions and omissions of the Management in labor matters.
- Meritxell Martín Garí, president
- Rosana Abadia Ribeiro
- Montserrat Martinez Alonso
- Eva Parisi Capdevila
- Sara Puy López
- Enric Sánchez Peña
- M. Alba Sorolla Bardaji
- Meritxell Soria Yenez
- Izaskun Urdanibia
Equality Commission
Més informacióThe aim of the IRBLleida Equality Committee is to facilitate compliance with existing legislation on equality and diversity management. The members of the Committee have a confidentiality agreement, as this body is a facilitator in the management of issues related to asset management by gender, race, religious beliefs or geographical origin.
- To prepare the IRBLleida 2021-2024 Equality Plan in accordance with current regulations: Organic Law 3/2007 of 22 March, Royal Decree 713/2020 of 28 May, and Royal Decree 901/2020 of 13 October.
- To share the IRBLleida 2021-2024 Equality Plan with all workers for the search for improvements and approval of the same by voting.
- To register the IRBLleida 2021-2024 Equality Plan in REGCON (Register of Collective Agreements) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy of the Spanish Government, or the specific register authorized for this purpose.
- To guarantee an egalitarian selection process and guarantee equal opportunities in the access, selection and permanence of staff.
- To promote staff participation in the area of equal opportunities.
- To raise awareness and train staff on issues of equality.
- To encourage a non-sexist or discriminatory use of language and images.
- To guarantee the conciliation of work, personal and family life.
- To implement measures for prevention, detection and intervention in cases of sexual harassment and harassment on the grounds of sex.
- To incorporate the gender perspective in the mission, vision and values of the organization
- Águeda Martínez Barriocanal, president
- Elena Moscatel Mendelsohn, secretary
- Bruno Brotons Morales
- Anna Castilló Pérez
- Marc Collado Catalán
- Anna Fernàndez Bernal
- Ivan Hidalgo Muñoz
- Marta Molinero García
- Luís Alejandro Rodriguez Guerrero
The redefinition of the Equality Committee and the revision of the Equality Plan and the Protocol on sexual and gender-based harassment is the result of the implementation of action 5 of the HRS4R Action Plan, which complies with the principles 10. Non discrimination, 27. Gender balance and 8. OTMR check list principles. Remember that you can find all the information.
Action 5. Define and promote an equal opportunities policy, jointly addressing the elimination of any form of discrimination or inequality
- Develop the IRBLleida equal opportunities and diversity management Plan
- Define a Protocol of prevention and action against discriminatory, moral or sexual harassment
- Organize conferences on gender equality for the promotion of women in science
Joint Commission
Més informacióThe Joint Commission is integrated by the management and executive staff of IRBLleida and the heads of the departments of Basic Medical Sciences, Medicine and Experimental Medicine of the University of Lleida (UdL).
- To coordinate the management of the activity, the distribution of equipment and the general maintenance of equipment and equipment.
- Diego Arango del Corro
- Elisa Cabiscol Catalan
- Eva López Truco
- Loreta Medina Hernández
- Carme Piñol Felis
- Maria Ruiz Miró
- Joan Sayós Ortega
Quality Commission
Més informacióThe IRBLleida Quality Committee is the central body for IRBLleida's quality policy and assumes responsibility for the dissent, implementation and enforcement of the Quality Plan. It is also the assessment body and consults government bodies on quality policy issues.
- In relation to the Quality Plan:
- a) To draw up the Quality Plan.
- b) Review and verify compliance with the Quality Plan annually.
- c) To draw up the annual report on the Quality Plan.
- Others related to the Quality Management System:
- a) To analyse non-conformities and formulate the corresponding corrective and/or preventive actions.
- b) To propose initiatives for the improvement (objectives) of Quality.
- c) To propose quality assessment methods and instruments.
- d) To carry out an evaluation of the actions.
- e) To inform the IRBLleida's governing bodies of the processes and results of quality assessment.
- f) To assess quality issues.
- Ms. Eva López, Quality Manager
- Ms. Sílvia Aresté, technician of the Accounting and Finance Department
- Dr. Joaquín Bonelli, Head of Projects
- Mr. Josep Maria Bosch, Head of Patronage
- Sr. Albert Dalmases, Accounting and finance responsible
- Ms. Elena Moscatel, HR manager and secretary of the committee
- Dr. Maria Ruiz, in charge of the Biobank
- Dr. Alicia Sánchez, head of the UAC
- Ms. Meritxell Soria, Communication Manager
Anti-Fraud Commission
Més informacióIRBLleida is committed to the highest standards of legal and ethical compliance, adhering to the principles of integrity, objectivity, proportionality and honesty in the exercise of its functions. To this end, it seeks to promote a culture that acts as a deterrent to any type of fraudulent activity and facilitates its prevention and detection. For this reason, it will adopt all the necessary training and information measures to ensure that all IRBLleida staff also assume this commitment.
The IRBLleida adopts a policy of zero tolerance towards fraud, establishing an internal control system designed to prevent and detect, as far as possible, any fraudulent action and, if necessary, to remedy the consequences, thereby assuming the principles of integrity, impartiality and honesty in the exercise of its functions. This policy is embodied in the IRBLleida's Anti-Fraud Plan.
Periodic assessment of the risk of fraud, ensuring that there is effective internal control to prevent and detect possible fraud.
Define and design the necessary measures to prevent, detect, correct and pursue fraud attempts.
Manage communications and reports of fraud, conflicts of interest or other breaches of current regulations.
Formulate recommendations and propose improvements and additional preventive measures in ethical management and the application of the principles of good governance or good administration, following the verification of the reported facts.
- Manager
- Head of the People and Legal Department, or person from the Department he/she replaces.
- Technician of the People and Legal Department, or person from the Department he/she replaces.
- Head of the Administration and Finance Department, or person in charge of the Department he/she replaces.
- Head - Head of the Communication Department, or person in charge of the Department he/she replaces.
- Head - Head of the Projects and Innovation Department, or a person from the Department he/she replaces.
- Principal Investigator of a research group at IRBLleida
Health and Safety Committee
Més informacióThe Health and Safety Committee is the joint and collegiate participatory body for regular and periodic consultation on the institute's actions in terms of occupational risk prevention.
The IRBLleida Health and Safety Committee was set up on 23 March 2023.
3 prevention delegates (workers' representatives in health and safety matters, elected by and from among the members of the Works Committee)
- M. Alba Sorolla
- Eva Parisi
- Meritxell Soria
3 representatives of IRBLleida:
- Eva López
- Joan Sayós
- Elena Moscatel
The competences of the Health and Safety Committees are related to participation in the drawing up, implementation and evaluation of prevention plans and programmes and the promotion of initiatives on methods and procedures to make prevention effective in the company.
- The committee shall therefore have the power to:
- To have direct knowledge of the situation regarding risk prevention in the workplace.
- To know the documents and reports relating to working conditions.
- To be aware of and analyse damage to the health of workers.
- To be aware of and report on the annual programme report of the prevention service.
The Health and Safety Committee shall meet at least quarterly, although it may meet more frequently.
Innovation Committee
Més informació- Fabien Delaspre, principal investigator of the group Biochemistry of Oxidative Stress
- Anna Castilló Pérez, Innovation Unit Technician
- Joaquín Bonelli Blasco, head of projects
- David de Gonzalo Calvo, principal investigator of the Translational research in respiratory medicine group
- Albert Lecube Torrelló
- Joan Sayós Ortega, IRBLleida deputy director
- Aida Serra Maqueda, principal investigator of the group +Pec Proteomics
- Esther Rubinat Arnaldo, group leader GRECS
- José Manuel Valdivielso Revilla, group leader Vascular and renal translational research group
- Ester Vilaprinyó Terre, principal investigator of the group Systems biology and statistical methods for biomedical research
Steering committee HR Excellence in Research
Més informació- Diego Arango: Scientific director
- Joan Sayós: Deputy director
- Eva López: Management director
- Jose Valdivielso: Principal Investigator (R4)
- Águeda Martínez: Senior Postdoctoral researcher (R3)
- Elena Moscatel: Human Resources Manager
Working / Technical group HR Excellence in Research
Més informació- Diego Arango: Scientific Director
- Joan Sayós: Deputy director
- Eva López: Management director and chairwoman of the Quality Committee
- Jose Valdivielso: Principal Investigator (R4) and chairman of the Training committee
- Águeda Martínez: Senior Postdoctoral researcher (R3) and chairwoman of the Equality Committee
- David de Gonzalo: Senior Postdoctoral researcher (R3)
- M. Alba Sorolla: Established Researcher (R3)
- Milica Bozic: Senior Postdoctoral researcher (R3)
- Maite Caus: Junior Postdoctoral researcher (R2)
- Adriano Targa: Recognised Researcher (R2)
- Ivan Hidalgo:Predoctoral researcher (R1)
- Naiara Vilaginés: Technical Management Office representative
- Meritxell Martín: Works Committee member and Training Committee representative
- Meritxell Soria: Communicaction Unit and Training Committee representative
- Sara Palau Camarero: People and Legal technician
- Joaquín Bonelli: International Projects Unit representative
- Oriol Gasa: Technical Secretary representative
- Elena Moscatel: Human Resources Manager and Training Committee representative
Patients Commission
Més informació- Maria Bonjorn Joval, Cap de la Unitat d'Atenció a la Ciutadania i Participació HUAV
- Juan Carles Baiges, Associació Catalana d'Àxies Hereditàries (ACAH)
- Fabiola Pérez Gómez, Associació Salut Mental Ponent
- Antonio Clariana, Oncolliga, Commission secretariat
- Dolors Falcó, Associació de Malalts d'Alzheimer de Lleida
- Mònica Ferrer Plana, Associació Catalana d'Àxies Hereditàries (ACAH)
- Rocio González, AMILL Associació de Malalts i Familiars d'Ictus de Lleida
- Ignacio Gracia, Fundació Renal Jaume Arnó
- Montse Iglesias, Long Covid
- Sisco Maranges Granja, Associació Espanyola contra el Càncer de Lleida AECC
- M. Carme Oró , Associació Parkinson
- Rosa Sol, Associació Salut Mental Ponent
- Marisa Pon, Associació Espanyola contra el Càncer de Lleida AECC, Commission president
- Oriol Gasa, Innovation technician
- Meritxell Soria, Communication responsible