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  • Benabdelhak, I; Purroy, F

    Evolution of the degree of disease knowledge in subjects who have suffered an ischaemic stroke

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 72 187-194. .


  • Dakterzada F; López-Ortega R; Arias A; Riba-Llena I; Ruiz-Julián M; Huerto R; Tahan N; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Assessment of the Concordance and Diagnostic Accuracy Between Elecsys and Lumipulse Fully Automated Platforms and Innotest.



  • Cuadrado, A; Milanesi, E; Dobre, M; Cucos, A; Pinol-Ripoll, G; Tudose, C; Niculescu, G; Manda, G

    Altered inflammation and redox networks in the blood of patients with mild dementia



  • Flores, A; Sero, L; Ustrell, X; Pellise, A; Choco, MG; Vinas, J; Palomeras, E; Krupinski, J; Mas, N; Cocho, D; Purroy, F; Zaragoza-brunet, J; Cardona, P; Serena, J; Ribo, M; Obach, V; Rubiera, M; de la Ossa, NP

    The Role of Vascular Imaging at Primary Stroke Centers in the Drip and Ship Paradigm

    STROKE 52 -. .


  • Milanesi, E; Manda, G; Dobre, M; Codrici, E; Neagoe, IV; Popescu, BO; Spiru, L; Tudose, C; Prada, GI; Davidescu, EI; Pinol-Ripoll, G; Cuadrado, A

    Distinctive under-expression profile of inflammatory and redox genes in the blood of elderly patients with cardiovascular disease



  • Moreno-Grau S; Fernández MV; de Rojas I; Garcia-González P; Hernández I; Farias F; Budde JP; Quintela I; Madrid L; González-Pérez A; Montrreal L; Alarcón-Martín E; Alegret M; Maroñas O; Pineda JA; Macías J; Marquié M; Valero S; Benaque A; Clarimón J; Bullido MJ; García-Ribas G; Pástor P; Sánchez-Juan P; Álvarez V; Piñol-Ripoll G; García-Alberca JM; Royo JL; Franco-Macías E; Mir P; Calero M; Medina M; Rábano A; Ávila J; Antúnez C; Real LM; Orellana A; Carracedo Á; Sáez ME; Tárraga L; Boada M; Cruchaga C; Ruiz A; DEGESCO consortium

    Long runs of homozygosity are associated with Alzheimer's disease.

    Translational Psychiatry 11 142-142. .


  • Milanesi E; Manda G; Dobre M; Codrici E; Neagoe IV; Popescu BO; Bajenaru OA; Spiru L; Tudose C; Prada GI; Davidescu EI; Piñol-Ripoll G; Cuadrado A

    Distinctive Under-Expression Profile of Inflammatory and Redox Genes in the Blood of Elderly Patients with Cardiovascular Disease.

    Journal of Inflammation Research 14 429-442. .


  • Targa A; Dakterzada F; Benítez I; López R; Pujol M; Dalmases M; Arias A; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Zettenberg H; Blennow K; Pamplona R; Jové M; Barbé F; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Decrease in sleep depth is associated with higher cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light levels in Alzheimer's disease patients.

    Sleep 44 -. .


  • Rudilosso S; Laredo C; Amaro S; Renú A; Llull L; Obach V; Moreno J; Ribó M; Abilleira S; Cardona P; Martí-Fàbregas J; Pérez de la Ossa N; Ramos A; Roquer J; Serena J; Purroy F; Urra X; Chamorro Á

    Clinical improvement within 24 hours from mechanical thrombectomy as a predictor of long-term functional outcome in a multicenter population-based cohort of patients with ischemic stroke.

    Journal Of Neurointerventional Surgery 13 119-123. .


  • Purroy F; Vicente-Pascual M; Arque G; Baraldes-Rovira M; Begue R; Gallego Y; Gil MI; Gil-Villar MP; Mauri G; Quilez A; Sanahuja J; Vazquez-Justes D

    Sex-Related Differences in Clinical Features, Neuroimaging, and Long-Term Prognosis After Transient Ischemic Attack.

    STROKE 52 424-433. .


  • Purroy, F; Montala, N

    Epidemiología del ictus en la última década: revisión sistemática

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 73 321-336. .


  • Vicente-Pascual, M; Gallego-Sanchez, Y; Vazquez-Justes, D; Andreu-Mencia, L

    Idiopathic hypoglossal nerve palsy etiology. Systematic review

    Revista Orl 12 -. .
