Clinical neurosciences

The Clinical Neurosciences Group was created with the aim of bringing together all the neurological research carried out in the Lleida hospital environment in 2008. It is led and coordinated by Dr. Francesc Purroy. Currently, it is a translational research group formed by different professional profiles (neurologists, radiologists, psychologists, nurses, vascular surgeons, psychologists, clinical biochemists, biologists, and biotechnologists).
The group aims to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of patients who have suffered a stroke through the identification of biomarkers (neuroimatge, biological) and the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in strokes. Currently, it is developing a clinical trial of remote ischemic tolerance in patients with ictus code criteria (study REMOTECAT- trialsgov NCT03375762). It is part of the RICORS-ICTUS Network.
Featured publication
Kelly, PJ; Murphy, S; Coveney, S; Purroy, F; Lemmens, R; Tsivgoulis, G; Price, C
Anti-inflammatory approaches to ischaemic stroke prevention
Responsable/s de grup

Francisco Purroy Garcia
Biomedicine II / Biomedicina II
2nd floor / aa planta