Investigación > Enfermedades crónicas, Cirugía y Cuidado de la Salud

Grupo de investigación traslacional vascular y renal

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  • Matsushita K; Jassal SK; Sang Y; Ballew SH; Grams ME; Surapaneni A; Arnlov J; Bansal N; Bozic M; Brenner H; Brunskill NJ; Chang AR; Chinnadurai R; Cirillo M; Correa A; Ebert N; Eckardt KU; Gansevoort RT; Gutierrez O; Hadaegh F; He J; Hwang SJ; Jafar TH; Kayama T; Kovesdy CP; Landman GW; Levey AS; Lloyd-Jones DM; Major RW; Miura K; Muntner P; Nadkarni GN; Naimark DM; Nowak C; Ohkubo T; Pena MJ; Polkinghorne KR; Sabanayagam C; Sairenchi T; Schneider MP; Shalev V; Shlipak M; Solbu MD; Stempniewicz N; Tollitt J; Valdivielso JM; van der Leeuw J; Wang AY; Wen CP; Woodward M; Yamagishi K; Yatsuya H; Zhang L; Schaeffner E; Coresh J

    Incorporating kidney disease measures into cardiovascular risk prediction: Development and validation in 9 million adults from 72 datasets.

    Eclinicalmedicine 27 100552-100552. .


  • Carmona-Maurici, J; Cuello, E; Sanchez, E; Miñarro A; Rius, F; Bueno, M; de la Fuente, MC; Olsina Kissler JJ; Vidal, T; Maria, V; Betriu À; Lecube, A; Baena-Fustegueras, JA; Peinado-Onsurbe, J; Pardina, E

    Impact of bariatric surgery on subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with morbid obesity.

    Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 16 1419-1428. .


  • Marchant, V; Tejera-Munoz, A; Marquez-Exposito, L; Rayego-Mateos, S; Rodrigues-Diez, RR; Tejedor, L; Santos-Sanchez, L; Egido, J; Ortiz, A; Valdivielso, JM; Fraser, DJ; Lopez-Cabrera, M; Selgas, R; Ruiz-Ortega, M

    IL-17A as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis.

    Biomolecules 10 1-36. .


  • Sumida K; Nadkarni GN; Grams ME; Sang Y; Ballew SH; Coresh J; Matsushita K; Surapaneni A; Brunskill N; Chadban SJ; Chang AR; Cirillo M; Daratha KB; Gansevoort RT; Garg AX; Iacoviello L; Kayama T; Konta T; Kovesdy CP; Lash J; Lee BJ; Major RW; Metzger M; Miura K; Naimark DMJ; Nelson RG; Sawhney S; Stempniewicz N; Tang M; Townsend RR; Traynor JP; Valdivielso JM; Wetzels J; Polkinghorne KR; Heerspink HJL

    Conversion of Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio or Urine Dipstick Protein to Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio for Use in Chronic Kidney Disease Screening and Prognosis : An Individual Participant-Based Meta-analysis.



  • Rayego-Mateos S; Morgado-Pascual JL; Valdivielso JM; Sanz AB; Bosch-Panadero E; Rodrigues-Díez RR; Egido J; Ortiz A; González-Parra E; Ruiz-Ortega M

    TRAF3 Modulation: Novel Mechanism for the Anti-inflammatory Effects of the Vitamin D Receptor Agonist Paricalcitol in Renal Disease.



  • Martinez, C; Lasitschka, F; Thöni C; Wohlfarth, C; Braun, A; Granzow, M; Röth R; Dizdar, V; Rappold, GA; Hausken, T; Langeland, N; Hanevik, K; Niesler, B

    Comparative expression profiling in the intestine of patients with Giardia-induced postinfectious functional gastrointestinal disorders.



  • Cambray S; Ibarz M; Bermudez-Lopez M; Marti-Antonio M; Bozic M; Fernandez E; Valdivielso JM

    Magnesium Levels Modify the Effect of Lipid Parameters on Carotid Intima Media Thickness.

    Nutrients 12 1-12. .


  • Valdivielso, JM; Eritja À; Caus, M; Bozic, M

    Glutamate-Gated NMDA Receptors: Insights into the Function and Signaling in the Kidney.

    Biomolecules 10 1-18. .


  • Rayego-Mateos, S; Valdivielso, JM

    New therapeutic targets in chronic kidney disease progression and renal fibrosis.

    Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Targets 24 655-670. .


  • Dolade, N; Rayego-Mateos, S; Garcia-Carrasco, A; Perez-Gomez, A; Crespo-Masip, M; Guerin, M; Tharaux, PL; Valdivielso, JM



  • Castro-Alonso, C; D'Marco, L; Pomes, J; Del Amo Conill M; Garcia-Diez, AI; Molina, P; Puchades, MJ; Valdivielso, JM; Escudero, V; Bover, J; Navarro-Gonzalez, J; Ribas, B; Pallardo, LM; Gorriz, JL

    Prevalence of Vertebral Fractures and Their Prognostic Significance in the Survival in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 3?5 Not on Dialysis.

    Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 1-11. .


  • Martinez-Lopez, D; Roldan-Montero, R; Garcia-Marques, F; Nuñez E; Jorge, I; Camafeita, E; Minguez, P; Rodriguez de Cordoba S; Lopez-Melgar, B; Lara-Pezzi, E; Fernandez-Ortiz, A; Ibáñez B; Valdivielso, JM; Fuster, V; Michel, JB; Blanco-Colio, LM; Vazquez, J; Martin-Ventura, JL

    Complement C5 Protein as a Marker of Subclinical Atherosclerosis.

    Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 75 1926-1941. .
