Investigación > Enfermedades crónicas, Cirugía y Cuidado de la Salud

Grupo de investigación traslacional vascular y renal

Número de publicaciones
Buscador de publicaciones
  • Bozic, M; Caus, M; Rodrigues-Diez, RR; Pedraza, N; Ruiz-Ortega, M; Gari, E; Gallel, P; Panades, MJ; Martinez, A; Fernandez, E; Valdivielso, JM

    Protective role of renal proximal tubular alpha-synuclein in the pathogenesis of kidney fibrosis.

    Nature Communications 11 1943-1943. .


  • Sanchez, Enric; Betriu À; Salas-Salvado, Jordi; Pamplona, Reinald; Barbe, Ferran; Purroy, Francesc; Farràs C; Fernandez, Elvira; Lopez-Cano, Carolina; Mizab, Chadia; Lecube, Albert

    Mediterranean diet, physical activity and subcutaneous advanced glycation end-products' accumulation: a cross-sectional analysis in the ILERVAS project

    European journal of nutrition 59 1233-1242. .


  • Martinez-Sena, T; Soluyanova, P; Guzman, C; Valdivielso, JM; Castell, JV; Jover, R

    The Vitamin D Receptor Regulates Glycerolipid and Phospholipid Metabolism in Human Hepatocytes.

    Biomolecules 10 -. .


  • Vila MDM; Remeseiro, B; Grau, M; Elosua, R; Betriu À; Fernandez-Giraldez, E; Igual, L

    Semantic segmentation with DenseNets for carotid artery ultrasound plaque segmentation and CIMT estimation.



  • Segarra, A; Arredondo, KV; Jaramillo, J; Jatem, E; Salcedo, MT; Agraz, I; Ramos, N; Carnicer, C; Valtierra, N; Ostos, E

    Efficacy and safety of bortezomib in refractory lupus nephritis: a single-center experience.

    Lupus 29 118-125. .


  • Granado-Casas, M; Martin, M; Martinez-Alonso, M; Alcubierre, N; Hernandez, M; Alonso, N; Castelblanco, E; Mauricio, D

    The Mediterranean Diet is Associated with an Improved Quality of Life in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes.

    Nutrients 12 -. .


  • Palau, V; Riera, M; Duran, X; Valdivielso, JM; Betriu, A; Fernandez, E; Pascual, J; Soler, MJ

    Circulating ADAMs are associated with renal and cardiovascular outcomes in chronic kidney disease patients.



  • Solache-Berrocal, G; Barral-Varela, AM; Areces-Rodriguez, S; Junco-Vicente, A; Vallina-Alvarez, A; Corte-Torres, MD; Valdivielso, JM; Llosa, JC; Moris, C; Martin, M; Rodriguez, I

    Correlation of Micro-Computed Tomography Assessment of Valvular Mineralisation with Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Features of Calcific Aortic Valve Disease

    Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 -. .


  • Palomo, M; Blasco, M; Molina, P; Lozano, M; Praga, M; Torramade-Moix, S; Martinez-Sanchez, J; Cid, J; Escolar, G; Carreras, E; Paules, C; Crispi, F; Quintana, LF; Poch, E; Rodas, L; Goma, E; Morelle, J; Espinosa, M; Morales, E; Avila, A; Cabello, V; Ariceta, G; Chocron, S; Manrique, J; Barros, X; Martin, N; Huerta, A; Fraga-Rodriguez, GM; Cao, M; Martin, M; Romera, AM; Moreso, F; Manonelles, A; Gratacos, E; Pereira, A; Campistol, JM; Diaz-Ricart, M

    Complement Activation and Thrombotic Microangiopathies

    Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 14 1719-1732. .


  • Zapatka, M; Pociño-Merino I; Heluani-Gahete, H; Bermudez-Lopez, M; Tarres, M; Ibars, E; Sole-Soler, R; Gutierrez-Escribano, P; Apostolova, S; Casas, C; Aragon, L; Wellinger, R; Colomina, N; Torres-Rosell, J

    Sumoylation of Smc5 Promotes Error-free Bypass at Damaged Replication Forks

    Cell Reports 29 3160-31724. .


  • Sanchez, E; Lecube, A; Betriu À; Hernandez, C; Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Kerkeni, M; Yeramian, A; Purroy, F; Pamplona, R; Farràs C; Fernandez, E; Barbe, F; Simo, R; ILERVAS project; Hernández M; Rius F; Polanco D; de la Torre MS; Torres G; Godoy P; Portero-Otin M; Jové M; Colàs-Compàs L; Benabdelhak I; Miquel E; Ortega M; Valdivielso JM; Bermúdez M; Martínez-Alonso M

    Subcutaneous advanced glycation end-products and lung function according to glucose abnormalities: The MR-1 ILERVAS Project

    Diabetes & metabolism 45 595-598. .


  • Valdivielso JM; Bozic M; Galimudi RK; Bermudez-López M; Navarro-González JF; Fernández E; Betriu À

    Association of the rs495392 Klotho polymorphism with atheromatosis progression in patients with chronic kidney disease

