Research > Neurosciences

Clinical neurosciences

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  • Lladó A; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Unidades de memoria en Cataluña.

    Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologia 53 306-307. .


  • Colàs-Campàs L; Royo, JL; Montserrat, MV; Marzo, C; Molina-Seguin, J; Benabdelhak, I; Cambray, S; Purroy, F

    The rs2108622 polymorphism is related to the early risk of ischemic stroke in non-valvular atrial fibrillation subjects under oral anticoagulation



  • Zapata-Wainberg G; Quintas S; Ximénez-Carrillo Rico A; Benavente Fernández L; Masjuan Vallejo J; Gállego Culleré J; Freijó Guerrero MD; Egido J; Gómez Sánchez JC; Martínez Domeño A; Purroy F; Vives Pastor B; Rodríguez Yáñez M; Vivancos J

    Prognostic factors and analysis of mortality due to brain haemorrhages associated with vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants. Results from the TAC registry

    NEUROLOGIA 33 419-426. .


  • Rocaspana-Garcia, M; Blanco-Blanco, J; Arias-Pastor, A; Gea-Sanchez, M; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Study of community-living Alzheimer's patients' adherence to the Mediterranean diet and risks of malnutrition at different disease stages

    PeerJ 6 -. .


  • Cambray, S; Portero-Otin, M; Jove, M; Torreguitart, N; Colàs-Campàs L; Sanz, A; Benabdelhak, I; Yemisci, M; Dalkara, T; Dönmez-Demir B; Egea, J; Purroy, F

    Metabolomic Estimation of the Diagnosis and Onset Time of Permanent and Transient Cerebral Ischemia

    MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY 55 6193-6200. .


  • Santamarina, E; Gonzalez-Cuevas, M; Toledo, M; Jimenez, M; Becerra, JL; Quilez, A; Suller, A; Mauri, JA; Fernandez, A; Marinas, A; Quintana, M; Puig, XS

    Intravenous lacosamide (LCM) in status epilepticus (SE): Weight-adjusted dose and efficacy

    EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 84 93-98. .


  • Amarenco, P; Lavallee, PC; Tavares, LM; Labreuche, J; Albers, GW; Abboud, H; Anticoli, S; Audebert, H; Bornstein, NM; Caplan, LR; Correia, M; Donnan, GA; Ferro, JM; Gongora-Rivera, F; Heide, W; Hennerici, MG; Kelly, PJ; Kral, M; Lin, HF; Molina, C; Park, JM; Purroy, F; Rothwell, PM; Segura, T; Skoloudik, D; Steg, PG; Touboul, PJ; Uchiyama, S; Vicaut, E; Wang, Y; Wong, LKS; TIAregistry Org Investigators

    Five-Year Risk of Stroke after TIA or Minor Ischemic Stroke



  • Molina-Seguin, J; Vena, AB; Colas-Campas, L; Benalbdelhak, I; Purroy, F

    A systematic review of the characteristics and prognosis of subjects who suffer an embolic stroke of undetermined source

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 66 325-330. .


  • Jorge, C; Ceto, M; Arias, A; Blasco, E; Gil, M P; Lopez, R; Dakterzada, F; Purroy, F; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Level of understanding of Alzheimer disease among caregivers and the general population.

    NEUROLOGIA 36 426-432. .


  • Alonso, N; Traveset, A; Rubinat, E; Ortega, E; Alcubierre, N; Sanahuja, J; Hernandez, M; Betriu, A; Jurjo, C; Fernandez, E; Mauricio, D

    Type 2 diabetes-associated carotid plaque burden is increased in patients with retinopathy compared to those without retinopathy (vol 14, 33, 2015)

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 17 49-49. .


  • Kelly, PJ; Murphy, S; Coveney, S; Purroy, F; Lemmens, R; Tsivgoulis, G; Price, C

    Anti-inflammatory approaches to ischaemic stroke prevention



  • Marti-Fabregas, J; Medrano-Martorell, S; Merino, E; Prats-Sanchez, L; Marin, R; Delgado-Mederos, R; Camps-Renom, P; Martinez-Domeno, A; Gomez-Choco, M; Lara, L; Casado-Naranjo, I; Canovas, D; Torres, MJ; Freijo, M; Calleja, A; Bravo, Y; Cocho, D; Rodriguez-Campello, A; Zandio, B; Fuentes, B; de Felipe, A; Llull, L; Maestre, J; Hernandez, M; Garces, M; De Arce-Borda, AM; Palomeras, E; Rodriguez-Yanez, M; Diaz-Maroto, I; Serrano, M; Fernandez-Dominguez, J; Sanahuja, J; Purroy, F; Zedde, M; Delgado-Mengual, J; Gich, I

    Statins do not increase Markers of Cerebral Angiopathies in patients with Cardioembolic Stroke

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 1492-1492. .
