Research > Neurosciences

Clinical neurosciences

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  • Menal, MJ; Jorba, I; Torres, M; Montserrat, JM; Gozal, D; Colell, A; Piñol-Ripoll G; Navajas, D; Almendros, I; Farre, R

    Alzheimer's Disease Mutant Mice Exhibit Reduced Brain Tissue Stiffness Compared to Wild-type Mice in both Normoxia and following Intermittent Hypoxia Mimicking Sleep Apnea

    Frontiers in Neurology 9 1-1. .


  • Ruiz, M; Arias, A; Sanchez-Llanos, E; Gil, MP; Lopez-Ortega, R; Dakterzada, F; Purroy, F; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Minor Hallucinations in Alzheimer's Disease

    Journal Of Alzheimers Disease 64 543-549. .


  • López-Cancio E; Ribó M; Cardona P; Serena J; Purroy F; Palomeras E; Aragonès JM; Cocho D; Garcés M; Puiggròs E; Soteras I; Cabanelas A; Villagrasa D; Catena E; Sanjurjo E; López Claverol N; Carrión D; López M; Abilleira S; Dávalos A; Pérez de la Ossa N

    Telestroke in Catalonia: Increasing Thrombolysis Rate and Avoiding Interhospital Transfers



  • Rivera, P; Purroy, F

    The level of knowledge regarding the concept of brain death among undergraduates at the Universitat de Lleida

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 65 489-495. .


  • Mora, E.; Portella, M.; Pinol-Ripoll, G.; Lopez, R.; Cuadras, D.; Forcada, I.; Teres, M.; Vieta, E.; Mur, M.

    Neurotrophins, inflammation and oxidative damage as mediators of cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder

    European Neuropsychopharmacology 27 821-822. .


  • Nogueras Penabad, L.; Gil Sanchez, A.; Hervas, J. V.; Gonzalez, C.; Marti, M.; Canudes, M.; Peralta, S.; Moga, M. J.; Boada, J.; Pamplona, R.; Portero, M.; Brieva, L.; Gonzalo, H.

    Mitochondrial dysfunction in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from multiple sclerosis patients


  • Easton JD; Aunes M; Albers GW; Amarenco P; Bokelund-Singh S; Denison H; Evans SR; Held P; Jahreskog M; Jonasson J; Minematsu K; Molina CA; Wang Y; Wong KSL; Johnston SC

    Risk for Major Bleeding in Patients Receiving Ticagrelor Compared With Aspirin After Transient Ischemic Attack or Acute Ischemic Stroke in the SOCRATES Study (Acute Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack Treated With Aspirin or Ticagrelor and Patient Outcomes)

    Circulation 136 907-916. .


  • Purroy, F; Vena, A; Canovas, D; Cardona, P; Cocho, D; Cuadrado-Godia, E; Chamorro, A; Davalos, A; Garces, M; Gomis, M; Krupinski, J; Palomeras, E; Ribo, M; Roquer, J; Rubiera, M; Sanahuja, J; Saura, J; Serena, J; Ustrell, X; Vargas, M; Benabdelhak, I; Abilleira, S; Gallofre, M; Catalan Stroke Code and Reperfusion Consortium

    Influence of Hospital Type on Outcomes of Individuals Aged 80 and Older with Stroke Treated Using Intravenous Thrombolysis



  • Lecube, A.; Sanchez, E.; Betriu, A.; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L.; Elias, M.; Barbe, F.; Purroy, F.; Buti, M.; Fernandez, E.; Lopez-Cano, C.

    Impaired pulmonary function in type 2 diabetes: Is there a role for advanced glycation end-products measured by skin autofluorescence?Data form the ILERVAS project

    Diabetologia 60 503-503. .

  • Gonzalez-Mingot, C; Sanchez-Monge, IR; Purroy, F; Solana-Moga, MJ; Peralta-Moncusi, S; Lazo-Latorre, C; Gil-Villar, MP; Brieva, L

    Environmental-analytical risk factors influence on the phenotype of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a rural setting

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA 65 203-208. .


  • Espinet, C.; Pinol, G.; Fleitas, C.; Arias, A.; Blasco, E.

    Imbalance in BDNF and probdnf levels in serum and cerebroespinal fluid in untreated Alzheimer's disease patients


  • Alcolea, D; Vilaplana, E; Suarez-Calvet, M; Illan-Gala, I; Blesa, R; Clarimon, J; Llado, A; Sanchez-Valle, R; Molinuevo, JL; Garcia-Ribas, G; Compta, Y; Marti, MJ; Piñol-Ripoll G; Amer-Ferrer, G; Noguera, A; Garcia-Martin, A; Fortea, J; Lleo, A

    CSF sAPP beta, YKL-40, and neurofilament light in frontotemporal lobar degeneration

    Neurology 89 178-188. .
