Research > Neurosciences

Clinical neurosciences

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Publications search
  • Sanchez, E; Betriu, A; Yeramian, A; Fernandez, E; Purroy, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Pamplona, R; Miquel, E; Kerkeni, M; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A; Hernandez, M; Rius, F; Polanco, D; Barbe, F; Torres, G; Suarez, G; Portero-Otin, M; Jove, M; Colas-Campas, L; Benabdelhak, I; Farras, C; Ortega, M; Valdivielso, JM; Bermudez-Lopez, M; Martinez-Alonso, M; ILERVAS Project

    Skin Autofluorescence Measurement n Subclinical Atheromatous Disease: Results from the ILERVAS Project

    Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 26 879-889. .


  • Gutiérrez-Carrasquilla L; Sánchez E; Hernández M; Polanco D; Salas-Salvadó J; Betriu À; Gaeta AM; Carmona P; Purroy F; Pamplona R; Farràs C; López-Cano C; Fernández E; Lecube A

    Effects of Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity on Pulmonary Function: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the ILERVAS Project

    Nutrients 11 -. .


  • González Mingot C; Juárez Turégano A; Bosch Gaya A; Brieva Ruiz L

    Cardiogenic shock in clinically isolated syndrome

    NEUROLOGIA 34 69-72. .


  • Al Chaal, L; Aedo, A; Reinares, M; Grande, I; Gonzalez, C; Anmella, G; Del Mar Bonnin, C.; Mur, M; Saez, C; Nieto, E; Montejo, AL; Vieta, E; Murru, A

    Predictors of sexual impairment at 6months after a manic episode: A post-hoc analysis of the MANA-COR study

    European Neuropsychopharmacology 29 386-387. .


  • Ortega, Ricard L; Dakterzada, Farida; Arias, Alfonso; Blasco, Ester; Naudi, Alba; Garcia, Francisco P; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Usefulness of CSF Biomarkers in Predicting the Progression of Amnesic and Nonamnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease.

    Current aging science 12 35-42. .


  • Purroy, F; Vena, A; Forne, C; de Arce, AM; Davalos, A; Fuentes, B; Arenillas, JF; Krupinski, J; Gomez-Choco, M; Palomeras, E; Marti-Fabregas, J; Castillo, J; Ustrell, X; Tejada, J; Masjuan, J; Garces, M; Benabdelhak, I; Serena, J

    Age- and Sex-Specific Risk Profiles and In-Hospital Mortality in 13,932 Spanish Stroke Patients



  • Montserrat-Capdevila, J; Seminario, MA; Godoy, P; Marsal, JR; Ortega, M; Pujol, J; Castan, MT; Alseda, M; Betriu À; Lecube, A; Portero, M; Purroy, F; Valdivielso, JM; Barbe, F

    Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) not diagnosed in a population with cardiovascular risk factors

    MEDICINA CLINICA 151 383-389. .


  • Fleitas, C; Piñol-Ripoll G; Marfull, P; Rocandio, D; Ferrer, I; Rampon, C; Egea, J; Espinet, C

    proBDNF is modified by advanced glycation end products in Alzheimer's disease and causes neuronal apoptosis by inducing p75 neurotrophin receptor processing

    MOLECULAR BRAIN 11 68-68. .


  • Alpár A; Zahola P; Hanics J; Hevesi Z; Korchynska S; Benevento M; Pifl C; Zachar G; Perugini J; Severi I; Leitgeb P; Bakker J; Miklosi AG; Tretiakov E; Keimpema E; Arque G; Tasan RO; Sperk G; Malenczyk K; Máté Z; Erdélyi F; Szabó G; Lubec G; Palkovits M; Giordano A; Hökfelt TG; Romanov RA; Horvath TL; Harkany T

    Hypothalamic CNTF volume transmission shapes cortical noradrenergic excitability upon acute stress.

    Embo Journal 37 -. .


  • Yuguero, O; Vena, A; Forne, C; Lacasta, JD; Llobet, C; Abadias, MJ

    Quality of care indicators for a resuscitation unit A descriptive study and proposal

    Medicine 97 -. .


  • Gil, A; Pardinas, B; Hervas, V; Lecina, J; Solana, MJ; Peralta, S; Forne, C; Gonzalez, C; Gonzalo, H; Nogueras, L; Brieva, L

    Pilot Study of Telemedicine in multiple sclerosis to evaluate the effectiveness of a telecommunication system for the detection of the clinical activity of the disease in the number of relapses with respect to the standard clinical practice. TELEM


  • Lecube, A.; Sanchez, E.; Lopez-Cano, C.; Sanchez, M.; Gaeta, A.; Purroy, F.; Pamplona, R.; Ortega, M.; Vidal, T.; Betriu, A.; Gomez, X.; Hernandez, M.; Olsina, J.; Hernandez, C.; Simo, R.

    Pulmonary function in prediabetes: dysfunction appears before the development of type 2 diabetes

    Diabetologia 61 512-512. .