Andree Yeramian Hakim
Grado: Doctor/a
973 70 36 67
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5936-2009
Altés, G; Olomí, A; Perramon-Guell, A; Hernandez, S; CASANOVAS, A; Perez, A; Diaz-Tocados, JM; Valdivielso, JM; Megino, C; Navaridas, R; Matias-Guiu, X; Klein, OD; Egea, J; Dolcet, X; Yeramian, A; Encinas, M
Multiple endocrine defects in adult-onset Sprouty1/2/4 triple knockout mice
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 19479-19479. .
Anerillas, C; Perramon-Güell, A; Altes, G; Cuesta, S; Vaquero, M; Olomi, A; Rodriguez-Barrueco, R; Llobet-Navàs, D; Egea, J; Dolcet, X; Yeramian, A; Encinas, M
Sprouty1 is a broad mediator of cellular senescence
CELL DEATH & DISEASE 15 296-296. .
Ruiz-Mitjana, A; Vidal-Sabanés, M; Navaridas, R; Perramon-Güuell, A; Yeramian, A; Nicholson-Sabate, N; Egea, J; Encinas, M; Matias-Guiu, X; Dolcet, X
Metformin exhibits antineoplastic effects on Pten-deficient endometrial cancer by interfering with TGF-ß and p38/ERK MAPK signalling
Navaridas, R; Vidal-Sabanés, M; Ruiz-Mitjana, A; Altés, G; Perramon-Güell, A; Yeramian, A; Egea, J; Encinas, M; Gatius, S; Matias-Guiu, X; Dolcet, X
In Vivo Intra-Uterine Delivery of TAT-Fused Cre Recombinase and CRISPR/Cas9 Editing System in Mice Unveil Histopathology of Pten/p53-Deficient Endometrial Cancers
Advanced Science 10 -. .
Herrerías-González F; Yeramian A; Baena-Fustegueras JA; Bueno M; Fleitas C; de la Fuente M; Serrano JCE; Granado-Serrano A; Santamaría M; Yeramian N; Zorzano-Martínez M; Mora C; Lecube A
PKN1 Kinase: A Key Player in Adipocyte Differentiation and Glucose Metabolism.
Nutrients 15 -. .
Lopez-Mejia IC; Pijuan J; Navaridas R; Santacana M; Gatius S; Velasco A; Castellà G; Panosa A; Cabiscol E; Pinyol M; Coll L; Bonifaci N; Peña LP; Vidal A; Villanueva A; Gari E; Llobet-Navàs D; Fajas L; Matias-Guiu X; Yeramian A
Oxidative stress-induced FAK activation contributes to uterine serous carcinoma aggressiveness.
Altes, G; Vaquero, M; Cuesta, S; Anerillas, C; Macia, A; Espinet, C; Ribera, J; Bellusci, S; Klein, OD; Yeramian, A; Dolcet, X; Egea, J; Encinas, M
A dominant negative mutation uncovers cooperative control of caudal Wolffian duct development by Sprouty genes
Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 79 514-514. .
Ruiz-Mitjana, A; Navaridas, R; Vidal-Sabanes, M; Perramon-Guell, A; Yeramian, A; Felip, I; Eritja, N; Egea, J; Encinas, M; Matias-Guiu, X; Dolcet, X
Lack of extracellular matrix switches TGF-ß induced apoptosis of endometrial cells to epithelial to mesenchymal transition.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12 14821-14821. .
Gatius S; Jove M; Megino-Luque C; Albertí-Valls M; Yeramian A; Bonifaci N; Piñol M; Santacana M; Pradas I; Llobet-Navas D; Pamplona R; Matías-Guiu X; Eritja N
Metabolomic Analysis Points to Bioactive Lipid Species and Acireductone Dioxygenase 1 (ADI1) as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Poor Prognosis Endometrial Cancer.
Cancers 14 -. .
Sanchez, E; Santos, MD; Nuñez-Garcia M; Bueno, M; Sajoux, I; Yeramian, A; Lecube, A
Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Morphological Changes in the Adventitial Vasa Vasorum Density and Biological Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction in Subjects with Moderate Obesity Undergoing a Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet.
Nutrients 14 -. .
Sanchez, E; Lecube, A; Betriu À; Hernandez, C; Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Kerkeni, M; Yeramian, A; Purroy, F; Pamplona, R; Farràs C; Fernandez, E; Barbe, F; Simo, R; ILERVAS project; Hernández M; Rius F; Polanco D; de la Torre MS; Torres G; Godoy P; Portero-Otin M; Jové M; Colàs-Compàs L; Benabdelhak I; Miquel E; Ortega M; Valdivielso JM; Bermúdez M; Martínez-Alonso M
Subcutaneous advanced glycation end-products and lung function according to glucose abnormalities: The MR-1 ILERVAS Project
Diabetes & metabolism 45 595-598. .
Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Sanchez, E; Gonzalez, J; Yeramian, A; Marti, R; Hernandez, M; Cao, G; Ribelles, M; Gomez, X; Barril, S; Barbe, F; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A
Sympathetic Hyperactivity and Sleep Disorders in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Frontiers in Endocrinology 10 752-752. .
- Caracterización de las células neoplásicas inmaduras pluripotenciales (células madre neoplásicas) en el cáncer de endometrio. Implicaciones Patogénicas, pronósticas y terapeuticas
- Entendiendo la regulación de la señalización por FGF por las proteínas Sprouty