Investigación > Epidemiología, Enfermedades infecciosas y Salud pública

Medicina Intensiva

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  • Contreras, S; Vich, CGE; Caballero, J

    Practical approach to inhaled sedation in the critically ill patient. Sedation, Analgesia and Delirium Working Group (GTSAD) of the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC)

    Medicina Intensiva 48 467-476. .


  • Henríquez-Beltrán M; Vaca R; Benítez ID; González J; Santisteve S; Aguilà M; Minguez O; Moncusí-Moix A; Gort-Paniello C; Torres G; Labarca G; Caballero J; Barberà C; Torres A; de Gonzalo-Calvo D; Barbé F; Targa ADS

    Sleep and Circadian Health of Critical Survivors: A 12-Month Follow-Up Study.

    Critical Care Medicine 52 1206-1217. .


  • Ramirez-Hidalgo, MF; Gonzalez, EL; Moles, SI; Garcia, CA; Munoz, JMR; Ortega, RL; Naves, LG; Sanchez, AB; Jover-Saenz, A

    Diagnostic challenges of recurrent malaria in non-endemic areas



  • Trujillano, L; Ayerza-Casas, A; Puisac, B; Latorre-Pellicer, A; Arnedo, M; Lucia-Campos, C; Gil-Salvador, M; Parenti, I; Kaiser, FJ; Ramos, FJ; Trujillano, J; Pié, J

    Assessment of Quality of Life Using the Kidslife Scale in Individuals With Cornelia de Lange Syndrome



  • Yébenes, JC; Bordeje-Laguna, ML; Lopez-Delgado, JC; Lorencio-Cardenas, C; Zurbano, IMD; Navas-Moya, E; Servia-Goixart, L

    Smartfeeding: A Dynamic Strategy to Increase Nutritional Efficiency in Critically Ill Patients-Positioning Document of the Metabolism and Nutrition Working Group and the Early Mobilization Working Group of the Catalan Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (SOCMiC)

    Nutrients 16 -. .


  • Ceccato A; Forne C; Bos LD; Camprubí-Rimblas M; Areny-Balagueró A; Campaña-Duel E; Quero S; Diaz E; Roca O; de Gonzalo-Calvo D; Fernández-Barat L; Motos A; Ferrer R; Riera J; Lorente JA; Peñuelas O; Menendez R; Amaya-Villar R; Añón JM; Balan-Mariño A; Barberà C; Barberán J; Blandino-Ortiz A; Boado MV; Bustamante-Munguira E; Caballero J; Carbajales C; Carbonell N; Catalán-González M; Franco N; Galbán C; Gumucio-Sanguino VD; de la Torre MDC; Estella Á; Gallego E; García-Garmendia JL; Garnacho-Montero J; Gómez JM; Huerta A; Jorge-García RN; Loza-Vázquez A; Marin-Corral J; Martínez de la Gándara A; Martin-Delgado MC; Martínez-Varela I; Messa JL; Muñiz-Albaiceta G; Nieto MT; Novo MA; Peñasco Y; Pozo-Laderas JC; Pérez-García F; Ricart P; Roche-Campo F; Rodríguez A; Sagredo V; Sánchez-Miralles A; Sancho-Chinesta S; Socias L; Solé-Violan J; Suarez-Sipmann F; Tamayo-Lomas L; Trenado J; Úbeda A; Valdivia LJ; Vidal P; Bermejo J; Gonzalez J; Barbe F; Calfee CS; Artigas A; Torres A

    Clustering COVID-19 ARDS patients through the first days of ICU admission. An analysis of the CIBERESUCICOVID Cohort.

    Critical Care 28 91-91. .


  • Caballero, J; García-Sánchez, M; Vich, CGE

    Current role of midazolam in the sedation of the ventilated critically ill patient: against

    Medicina Intensiva 48 177-179. .


  • García-Hidalgo, MC; Benítez, ID; Perez-Pons, M; Molinero, M; Belmonte, T; Rodríguez-Muñoz, C; Aguilà, M; Santisteve, S; Torres, G; Moncusí-Moix, A; Gort-Paniello, C; Peláez, R; Larráyoz, IM; Caballero, J; Barbera, C; Nova-Lamperti, E; Torres, A; González, J; Barbé, F; de Gonzalo-Calvo, D

    MicroRNA-guided drug discovery for mitigating persistent pulmonary complications in critical COVID-19 survivors: A longitudinal pilot study



  • Laterre, PF; Garcia, MS; Poll, TV; Wittebole, X; Martinez-Sagasti, F; Hernandez, G; Ferrer, R; Caballero, J; Cadogan, KA; Sullivan, A; Zhang, BRR; Rosa, OD; Lombardo, E; Francois, B

    The safety and efficacy of stem cells for the treatment of severe community-acquired bacterial pneumonia: A randomized clinical trial

    JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE 79 154446-154446. .


  • Lopez-Delgado, JC; Grau-Carmona, T; Mor-Marco, E; Bordeje-Laguna, ML; Portugal-Rodriguez, E; Lorencio-Cardenas, C; Vera-Artazcoz, P; Macaya-Redin, L; Llorente-Ruiz, B; Iglesias-Rodriguez, R; Monge-Donaire, D; Martinez-Carmona, JF; Sanchez-Ales, L; Sanchez-Miralles, A; Crespo-Gomez, M; Leon-Cinto, C; Flordelis-Lasierra, JL; Servia-Goixart, L

    Parenteral Nutrition: Current Use, Complications, and Nutrition Delivery in Critically Ill Patients

    Nutrients 15 -. .


  • Cilloniz, C; Motos, A; Canseco, J; Peñasco, Y; Ricart, P; Abril, E; García, JMG; Ortiz, AB; Mateo, NG; Sánchez-Miralles, A; Franco, N; Riera, J; Ferrer, R; Bustamante-Munguira, E; Caballero, J; de la Gándara, AM; Sancho, S; Masclans, JR; Urrelo-Cerrón, L; Carbonell, N; Socías, L; Barberà, C; Lorente, JA; Rodríguez, OP; Menéndez, R; de Gonzalo-Calvo, D; Ceccato, A; Fernandez-Barat, L; Garcia-Gasulla, D; Gabarrus, A; Garcia-Vidal, C; Moreno, A; Barbé, F; Miro, JM; Torres, A

    Clinical Outcomes of Critical COVID-19 in HIV-Infected Adults: A Propensity Score Matched Analysis



  • Carvalho-Brugger S; Miralbés Torner M; Jiménez Jiménez G; Badallo O; Álvares Lerma F; Trujillano J; Nuvials Casals FX; Palomar M

    Preventive isolation criteria for the detection of multidrug-resistant bacteria in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: A multicenter study within the Zero Resistance program.

    Medicina Intensiva -. .
