Investigación > Cáncer

Modelos de enfermedades en Drosophila y análisis (epi)genéticos

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  • Royo, JL; Valls, J; Acemel, RD; Gomez-Marin, C; Pascual-Pons, M; Lupiañez A; Gomez-Skarmeta, JL; Fibla, J

    A common copy-number variant within SIRPB1 correlates with human Out-of-Africa migration after genetic drift correction

    PLOS ONE 13 -. .


  • Ruiz, M; Arias, A; Sanchez-Llanos, E; Gil, MP; Lopez-Ortega, R; Dakterzada, F; Purroy, F; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Minor Hallucinations in Alzheimer's Disease

    Journal Of Alzheimers Disease 64 543-549. .


  • Mora, E.; Portella, M.; Pinol-Ripoll, G.; Lopez, R.; Cuadras, D.; Forcada, I.; Teres, M.; Vieta, E.; Mur, M.

    Neurotrophins, inflammation and oxidative damage as mediators of cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder

    European Neuropsychopharmacology 27 821-822. .


  • Oromi, N; Jove, M; Pascual-Pons, M; Royo, JL; Rocaspana, R; Aparicio, E; Pamplona, R; Palau, A; Sanuy, D; Fibla, J; Portero-Otin, M

    Differential metabolic profiles associated to movement behaviour of stream-resident brown trout (Salmo trutta)

    PLOS ONE 12 -. .


  • Herrero, R; Pineda, JA; Rivero-Juarez, A; Echbarthi, M; Real, LM; Camacho, A; Macias, J; Fibla, J; Rivero, A; Caruz, A

    Common haplotypes in CD209 promoter and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection in intravenous drug users

    Infection Genetics And Evolution 45 20-25. .


  • Royo JL; Pascual-Pons M; Lupiañez A; Sanchez-López I; Fibla J

    Genotyping of common SIRPB1 copy number variant using Paralogue Ratio Test coupled to MALDI-MS quantification

    Molecular and Cellular Probes 29 517-521. .


  • Real LM; Herrero R; Rivero-Juárez A; Camacho Á; Vic S; Soriano V; Viedma S; Guardiola JM; Fibla J; Rivero A; Pineda JA; Caruz A

    IFNL4 rs368234815 polymorphism is associated with innate resistance to HIV-1 infection

    AIDS 29 1895-1897. .


  • Aluja A; García LF; Martí-Guiu M; Blanco E; García O; Fibla J; Blanch À

    Interactions among impulsiveness, testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin and androgen receptor gene CAG repeat length

    PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR 147 91-96. .


  • Herrero R; Real LM; Rivero-Juárez A; Pineda JA; Camacho Á; Macías J; Laplana M; Konieczny P; Márquez FJ; Souto JC; Soria JM; Saulle I; Lo Caputo S; Biasin M; Rivero A; Fibla J; Caruz A

    Association of complement receptor 2 polymorphisms with innate resistance to HIV-1 infection

    Genes and Immunity 16 134-141. .


  • Laplana, M.; Royo, J. L.; Garcia, L. F.; Aluja, A.; Gomez-Skarmeta, J. L.; Fibla, J.

    SIRPB1 copy-number polymorphism as candidate quantitative trait locus for impulsive-disinhibited personality

    GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 13 653-662. .


  • Laplana, M; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Puig, T; Caruz, A; Fibla, J

    Vitamin-D pathway genes and HIV-1 disease progression in injection drug users

    Gene 545 163-169. .


  • Laplana M; Royo JL; Aluja A; López R; Heine-Sunyer D; Fibla J

    Absence of substantial copy number differences in a pair of monozygotic twins discordant for features of autism spectrum disorder.

    Case reports in genetics 2014 516529-516529. .
