Alumni IRBLleida

How to join Alumni IRBLleida? Fill in the form
What is IRBLleida Alumni?
The mission of IRBLleida Alumni is to accompany IRBLleida professionals (staff who have completed their doctorate, master's degree or residency in the Lleida area) in their lifelong learning and in the ongoing improvement of their professional career.
IRBLleida Alumni was created with the aim of establishing a stable framework where the different generations of IRBLleida staff can maintain a permanent dialogue that promotes and develops mutual knowledge with the ultimate goal of disseminating biomedical research and improving professional careers.
Who is eligible to join Alumni IRBLleida?
- People who have completed their PhD at the University of Lleida in the area of Biomedicine.
- People who have completed the Master's Degree in Biomedical Research at the University of Lleida.
- People who have completed their residency in Lleida and have carried out research at IRBLleida.
- Students that carried out their TFG at the IRBLleida.
What does IRBLleida Alumni offer?
- Access to IRBLleida news and job offers.
- Sending of a newsletter with research calls.
- Participation in external and internal IRBLleida conferences and seminars.
- Network of connections between professionals.