Respiratory Medicine and Chronic Pathologies

The Scientific and Technical Service of Respiratory Medicine and Chronic Pathologies provides specialized support for performing respiratory functional tests and monitoring and monitoring activities specializing in the field of respiratory medicine and chronic diseases.
The service has access to specific technical equipment and has polysomnography, respiratory polygraphy, actigraphy, spirometers, devices for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (MAP), among others, for the provision of the services offered .
Rules of the service
The members of the scientific and technical service are responsible for verifying the ethical aspects, the quality and the feasibility of each scientific project, always in accordance with the current legislation:
- Law 14/2007 on biomedical research.
- Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data.
- Basic Law 41/2002 regulating patient autonomy and rights and obligations regarding information and clinical documentation.
- Guide to good practice in health science research. Catalan Health Institute, 2003.
Contact details

Dr. Ferran Barbé
Recerca Translacional en Medicina Respiratòria
Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova - IRBLleida
Avinguda Rovira Roure, 80
Human resources
Ferran Barbé
Scientific director
Anna Moncusí
Research technician
Esther Sapiña
Adriano Targa
David de Gonzalo
Principal Investigator
Lola Martínez
Performing functional tests
- Actimetry
- Outpatient Blood Pressure Monitoring (MAP)
- Spirometry
- Polysomnography
- Respiratory polygraphy
- Stress test
- Test of the march
- Bronchoscopy
Specialized Clinical Monitoring and Monitoring: services are provided for patient recruitment, monitoring and monitoring, as well as adherence assessment and therapeutic compliance activities, such as adherence to Continuous Airway Pressure Treatment (CPAP).
Extraction and processing of biological samples: services are provided for the extraction and processing of biological samples, emphatically for those related specifically to respiratory function (induced sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage, etc.).
Documentary technical advice: documentary consulting services are offered for the preparation of specific technical documents related to chronic respiratory medicine and pathology (research projects, clinical guides, scientific articles, systematic reviews, etc.).