Fernández-Lago H; Bello O; Mora-Cerdá F; Montero-Cámara J; Fernández-Del-Olmo MÁ
Treadmill Walking Combined With Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Parkinson Disease: A Pilot Study of Kinematic and Neurophysiological Effects.
AM J PHYS MED REHAB 96 801-808. .
Lorentzen J; Kirk H; Fernandez-Lago H; Frisk R; Scharff Nielsen N; Jorsal M; Nielsen JB
Treadmill training with an incline reduces ankle joint stiffness and improves active range of movement during gait in adults with cerebral palsy.
Disability And Rehabilitation 39 987-993. .
Fernández-Lago H; Bello O; López-Alonso V; Sánchez JA; Morenilla L; Fernández-del-Olmo MÁ
Gait Pattern and Cognitive Performance During Treadmill Walking in Parkinson Disease.
AM J PHYS MED REHAB 94 931-940. .
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