Torres-Bondia F; de Batlle J; Galván L; Buti M; Barbé F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Evolution of the consumption trend of proton pump inhibitors in the Lleida Health Region between 2002 and 2015.
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 22 818-818. .
Torres-Bondia F; Dakterzada F; Galván L; Buti M; Besanson G; Grill E; Buil R; de Batlle J; Piñol-Ripoll G
Benzodiazepine and Z-drug use and the risk of developing dementia.
Jatem, E; Lima, J; Montoro, B; Torres-Bondia, F; Segarra, A
Efficacy and Safety of PCSK9 Inhibitors in Hypercholesterolemia Associated With Refractory Nephrotic Syndrome
Kidney International Reports 6 101-109. .
Torres-Bondia F; Dakterzada F; Galván L; Buti M; Besanson G; Gill E; Buil R; de Batlle J; Piñol-Ripoll G
Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of Alzheimer's disease and non-Alzheimer's dementias.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 21046-21046. .
Torres-Bondia, F; de Batlle, J; Galvan, L; Buti, M; Barbe, F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Trends in the consumption rates of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-related drugs in the health region of Lleida from 2002 to 2015.
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 20 818-818. .