Ferran Rius Riu

Ferran Rius Riu

Degree: PhD



  • Sánchez E; Betriu À; López-Cano C; Hernández M; Fernández E; Purroy F; Bermúdez-López M; Farràs-Sallés C; Barril S; Pamplona R; Rius F; Hernández C; Simó R; Lecube A

    Characteristics of atheromatosis in the prediabetes stage: a cross-sectional investigation of the ILERVAS project

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 18 154-154. .


  • Baena Fustegueras JA; Gonzalez, FH; Caldero, SG; de la Fuente Juárez MC; Lopez, SR; Riu, FR; Petit, NM; Alvarez, PM; Torello, AL; Matias-Guiu, X; Olsina Kissler JJ

    Magnetic detection of sentinel lymph node in papillary thyroid carcinoma: The MAGIC-PAT study results

    EJSO 45 1175-1181. .


  • Sánchez M; Sánchez E; Hernández M; González J; Purroy F; Rius F; Pamplona R; Farràs-Sallés C; Gutiérrez-Carrasquilla L; Fernández E; Bermúdez-López M; Salvador J; Salas-Salvadó J; Lecube A

    Dissimilar Impact of a Mediterranean Diet and Physical Activity on Anthropometric Indices: A Cross-Sectional Study from the ILERVAS Project

    Nutrients 11 -. .


  • Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Sanchez, E; Barbe, F; Dalmases, M; Lopez-Cano, C; Hernandez, M; Rius, F; Carmona, P; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A

    Effect of Glucose Improvement on Spirometric Maneuvers in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The Sweet Breath Study

    Diabetes Care 42 617-624. .


  • Sanchez, E; Betriu, A; Yeramian, A; Fernandez, E; Purroy, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Pamplona, R; Miquel, E; Kerkeni, M; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A; Hernandez, M; Rius, F; Polanco, D; Barbe, F; Torres, G; Suarez, G; Portero-Otin, M; Jove, M; Colas-Campas, L; Benabdelhak, I; Farras, C; Ortega, M; Valdivielso, JM; Bermudez-Lopez, M; Martinez-Alonso, M; ILERVAS Project

    Skin Autofluorescence Measurement n Subclinical Atheromatous Disease: Results from the ILERVAS Project

    Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 26 879-889. .


  • Lopez-Cano, C; Rius, F; Sanchez, E; Gaeta, AM; Betriu À; Fernandez, E; Yeramian, A; Hernandez, M; Bueno, M; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Dalmases, M; Lecube, A

    The influence of sleep apnea syndrome and intermittent hypoxia in carotid adventitial vasa vasorum

    PLOS ONE 14 -. .


  • Rius, F; Sanchez, E; Betriu À; Baena-Fustegueras, JA; Yeramian, A; Vidal, T; Hernandez, M; Lopez-Cano, C; Bueno, M; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Herrerias, F; de la Fuente, MC; Fernandez, E; Lecube, A

    Influence of Morbid Obesity and Bariatric Surgery Impact on the Carotid Adventitial Vasa Vasorum Signal

    OBESITY SURGERY 28 3935-3942. .


  • Pereira, T; Muguruza, J; Maria, V; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas, A; Fernandez, E; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Baena, JA; Rius, F; Betriu, A; Solsona, F; Alves, R


    Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology 44 2780-2792. .


  • Mollo, A; Hernandez, M; Marsal, JR; Esquerda, A; Rius, F; Blanco-Vaca, F; Verdaguer, J; Pozzilli, P; de Leiva, A; Mauricio, D

    Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults is perched between type 1 and type 2: evidence from adults in one region of Spain (vol 29, pg 446, 2013)



  • Hernandez, M; Lopez, C; Soldevila, B; Cecenarro, L; Martinez-Barahona, M; Palomera, E; Rius, F; Lecube, A; Pelegay, MJ; Garcia, J; Mauricio, D; Puig Domingo, Manel

    Impact of TSH during the first trimester of pregnancy on obstetric and foetal complications: Usefulness of 2.5 mIU/L cut-off value



  • Lara, B; Canas, F; Vidal, A; Nadal, N; Rius, F; Paredes, E; Hernandez, M; Maravall, FJ; Franch-Nadal, J; Barbe, F; Mauricio, D

    Knowledge management through two virtual communities of practice (Endobloc and Pneumobloc)



  • Sanchez, E; Betriu À; Arroyo, D; Lopez, C; Hernandez, M; Rius, F; Fernandez, E; Lecube, A

    Skin Autofluorescence and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case-Control Study

    PLOS ONE 12 -. .



  • ANGEL: A machine learning algorithm to predict atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
  • El efecto de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y la obesidad sobre la cronodisrupción. La hipoxia nocturna como nexo de unión.
  • Entorno virtual para la autogestión de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 por parte del paciente: diseño, construcción e implantación del entorno virtual
  • Estudio exploratorio de órganos diana no clásicos de la microangiopatía diabética