Maria Mur Lain

Maria Mur Lain

Degree: PhD

973727222 ext1647



  • Salvador Sánchez J; David, MD; Torrent Setó A; Martínez Alonso M; Portella Moll MJ; Pifarré Paredero J; Vieta Pascual E; Mur Laín M

    Electroconvulsive therapy clinical database: Influence of age and gender on the electrical charge

    Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental 10 143-148. .


  • Mora, E; Portella, MJ; Forcada, I; Vieta, E; Mur, M

    A preliminary longitudinal study on the cognitive and functional outcome of bipolar excellent lithium responders

    Comprehensive Psychiatry 71 25-32. .


  • Bonnín CM; Reinares M; Hidalgo-Mazzei D; Undurraga J; Mur M; Sáez C; Nieto E; Vázquez GH; Balanzá-Martínez V; Tabarés-Seisdedos R; Vieta E

    Predictors of functional outcome after a manic episode

    Journal Of Affective Disorders 182 121-125. .


  • Grande I; Hidalgo-Mazzei D; Nieto E; Mur M; Sàez C; Forcada I; Vieta E

    Asenapine prescribing patterns in the treatment of manic in- and outpatients: Results from the MANACOR study

    EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY 30 528-534. .


  • Reinares M; Del Mar Bonnín C; Hidalgo-Mazzei D; Undurraga J; Mur M; Nieto E; Sáez C; Vieta E

    Making sense of DSM-5 mania with depressive features

    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 49 540-549. .


  • Hidalgo-Mazzei D; Undurraga J; Reinares M; Bonnín CD; Sáez C; Mur M; Nieto E; Vieta E

    The real world cost and health resource utilization associated to manic episodes: The MANACOR study

    Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental 8 55-64. .


  • Forcada, I.; Mur, M.; Mora, E.; Vieta, E.; Bartrés-Faz, D.; Portella, M.J.

    The influence of cognitive reserve on psychosocial and neuropsychological functioning in bipolar disorder

    European Neuropsychopharmacology 25 214-222. .


  • Rotger, S.; Richarte, V.; Nogueira, M.; Corrales, M.; Bosch, R.; Vidal, R.; Marfil, L.; Valero, S.; Vieta, E.; Goikolea, J.M.; Torres, I.; Rosa, A.; Mur, M.; Casas, M.; Ramos-Quiroga, J.A.

    Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST): validity and reliability in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder



  • Bourne C; Aydemir O; Balanzá-Martínez V; Bora E; Brissos S; Cavanagh JT; Clark L; Cubukcuoglu Z; Dias VV; Dittmann S; Ferrier IN; Fleck DE; Frangou S; Gallagher P; Jones L; Kieseppä T; Martínez-Aran A; Melle I; Moore PB; Mur M; Pfennig A; Raust A; Senturk V; Simonsen C; Smith DJ; Bio DS; Soeiro-de-Souza MG; Stoddart SD; Sundet K; Szöke A; Thompson JM; Torrent C; Zalla T; Craddock N; Andreassen OA; Leboyer M; Vieta E; Bauer M; Worhunsky PD; Tzagarakis C; Rogers RD; Geddes JR; Goodwin GM

    Neuropsychological testing of cognitive impairment in euthymic bipolar disorder: an individual patient data meta-analysis



  • Mora E; Portella MJ; Forcada I; Vieta E; Mur M

    Persistence of cognitive impairment and its negative impact on psychosocial functioning in lithium-treated, euthymic bipolar patients: a 6-year follow-up study

    PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 43 1187-1196. .


  • Forcada, Irene; Papachristou, Efstathios; Mur, Maria; Christodoulou, Tessa; Jogia, Jigar; Reichenberg, Abraham; Vieta, Eduard; Frangou, Sophia

    The impact of general intellectual ability and white matter volume on the functional outcome of patients with Bipolar Disorder and their relatives.

    Journal Of Affective Disorders 130 413-420. .


  • Mur, Maria; Portella, Maria J.; Martinez-Aran, Anabel; Pifarre, Josep; Vieta, Eduard

    Influence of clinical and neuropsychological variables on the psychosocial and occupational outcome of remitted bipolar patients.

    Psychopathology 42 148-156. .



  • Validación de las BP-EVs como una nueva generación de nanovectores para la liberación focalizada de fármacos en el sistema nervioso central
  • Disentangling cliNical, neurObiological, and geneTic correlates of fIrst-episOde maNia in Bipolar. The NOTION Project
  • Assaig clínic de fase III, aleatoritzat, controlat amb comparador actiu, per estudiar l'eficàcia i la seguretat del programa de REMediació Cognitiva Integral (INCREM) en pacients amb Depressió.
  • Marcadores transdiagnósticos de los síntomas cognitivos en los trastornos afectivos / Marcadors transdiagnòstics dels símptomes cognitius en els trastorns afectius
  • Papel de los marcadores neurobiológicos en la disfunción cognitiva y psicosocial en el trastorno bipolar