Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Verdejo-Amengual, FJ; Martinez-Navarro, O; Blanco-Blanco, J; El Arab, RA; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Masbernat-Almenara, M; Rubí-Carnacea, F; Martí, BM; Barbé, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M
Sequential exploratory mixed-method research of an eHealth intervention on blood pressure, sleep quality and physical activity in obstructive sleep apnoea: rationale and methodology of the Moore4Medical trial protocol
BMJ Open Respiratory Research 11 -. .
Feria-Raposo, I; García-León, MA; Rodríguez-Cano, E; Blanco-Blanco, J; Moreno-Casbas, MT; Gonzalez-Castro, AI; Gómez-Lozano, MJ; Guerrero-Pedraza, A; Sarri, C; Portillo, F; Sarro, S; McKenna, PJ; Salvador, R; Pomarol-Clotet, E
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Health of Nation Outcome Scales for schizophrenia patients
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 31 933-944. .
Albornos-Muñoz, L; Blanco-Blanco, J; Cidoncha-Moreno, MA; Abad-Corpa, E; Rivera-Alvarez, A; López-Pisa, RM; Caperos, JM; Moreno-Casbas, MT
Efficacy of the Otago-Exercise-Programme to reduce falls in community-dwelling adults aged 65-80 when delivered as group or individual training: Non-inferiority-clinical-trial
BMC NURSING 23 705-705. .
Pérez-Acevedo G; Torra-Bou JE; Peiró-García A; Vilalta-Vidal I; Urrea-Ayala M; Bosch-Alcaraz A; Blanco-Blanco J
Incisional negative pressure wound therapy for the prevention of surgical site complications in Paediatric patients with non-idiopathic scoliosis: A randomized clinical trial.
International Wound Journal 21 -. .
Costa-Menén, MA; Gimeno-Pi, I; Martin-Servet, G; García-Martínez, E; Porté-Llotge, M; Blanco-Blanco, J
Facilitators and barriers in the implementation of a fall prevention program based on physical activity for elderly people living in the community: A qualitative study
Robledo Martín J; Acea López L; Alcolea Cosín MT; Pérez Urdiales I; Bellon F; Oter Quintana C; Blanco Blanco J; Rubinat Arnaldo E; Pastor Bravo MDM; Briones Vozmediano E
Estrés y ansiedad en estudiantes de enfermería durante la primera ola de la pandemia de COVID-19.
Archivos De Prevencion De Riesgos Laborales 27 28-40. .
Carretero-Randez C; Orts-Cortés MI; Rodríguez-Pérez M; Gonzalez-Chordá VM; Trescastro-López EM; Blanco-Blanco J; Martínez-Soldevila J; Ruiz-Heras-Hera A; Castellano-Santana PR; Marquez-Sixto A; Domingo-Pozo M; Zomeño-Ros AI; Montero-Marco J; Charlo-Bernardos M; Moncho J; Abad-González ÁL; Castillo-García MT; Sánchez-García AB; De Pascual Y Medina AM; Clement-Santamaría RA; Franco-Bernal A; Camacho-Bejarano R
Impact of hospitalization on nutritional status in persons aged 65 years and over (NUTRIFRAG Study): Protocol for a prospective observational study.
PLOS ONE 18 -. .
Babot-Pereña, N; Blanco-Blanco, J
Healing techniques for split-thickness skin grafts donor sites. Umbrella review
Robledo-Martín J; Acea-López L; Pérez-Urdiales I; Alcolea-Cosín MT; Bellon F; Oter-Quintana C; Blanco-Blanco J; Pastor-Bravo MDM; Rubinat-Arnaldo E; Briones-Vozmediano E
From students to nurses under pressure: Nursing students' entry into employment during the first COVID-19 wave.
Sufrate-Sorzano T; Santolalla-Arnedo I; Garrote-Cámara ME; Angulo-Nalda B; Cotelo-Sáenz R; Pastells-Peiró R; Bellon F; Blanco-Blanco J; Juárez-Vela R; Molina-Luque F
Interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviours: An umbrella review.
Nursing Open 10 4959-4970. .
Tíscar-González V; Blanco-Blanco J; Orruño-Aguado E; Moreno-Casbas T
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for nursing research in the Basque Country.
Enfermeria Clinica (english Edition) 33 167-171. .
El Arab, RA; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Blanco-Blanco, J; Rubi-Carnacea, F; Martinez-Navarro, O; Mediano, O; Gea-Sanchez, M
Nursing Professionals' Role in the Comprehensive Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Literature Review
Applied Sciences-Basel 13 -. .
- Impacto del Manejo de los Trastornos Respiratorios Durante el Sueño en el control de la hipertensión sistémica: Proyecto METASLEEP
- INVESTIGO 2022: Grup de Recerca de cures de salut (GRECS)
- La salud circadiana en pacientes ingresados en unidades de cuidados intensivos y de hospitalización (CHRONOHOSPI)
- Eficacia del programa de ejercicios OTAGO aplicado de forma grupal versus individual en la probabilidad de caídas de personas entre 65-80 años no institucionalizadas
- ANIMATE (IntergenerAtioNal communIty for coMpAny knowledge TransfEr)