Maria Nabal Vicuña

Maria Nabal Vicuña

Degree: PhD

973 24 40 25


  • Costeira C; Querido A; Ventura F; Loureiro H; Coelho J; Benito E; Nabal M; Dones M; Specos M; Laranjeira C

    Spiritual Care[Givers] Competence in Palliative Care: A Scoping Review.

    Healthcare 12 -. .


  • Stone, P; Buckle, P; Dolan, R; Feliu, J; Hui, D; Laird, BJA; Maltoni, M; Moine, S; Morita, T; Nabal, M; Vickerstaff, V; White, N; Santini, D; Ripamonti, CI

    Prognostic evaluation in patients with advanced cancer in the last months of life: ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline

    ESMO Open 8 1-13. .


  • Luis Recuero Díaz J; Almánzar SF; Munoz CG; Sierra JL; Porras ML; Medina DM; Vicuña MN; Moreno LS; Cantalejo MG; Porcel JM

    Recommendations of the Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgery for the management of malignant pleural effusion.

    CIRUGIA ESPANOLA 100 673-683. .


  • Altisent R; Nabal M; Muñoz P; Ferrer S; Delgado-Marroquín MT; Alonso A

    Eutanasia: ¿es esta la ley que necesitamos?

    ATENCION PRIMARIA 53 102057-102057. .


  • Librada-Flores S; Nabal-Vicuña M; Forero-Vega D; Muñoz-Mayorga I; Guerra-Martín MD

    Implementation Models of Compassionate Communities and Compassionate Cities at the End of Life: A Systematic Review.



  • Pergolizzi D; Crespo I; Balaguer A; Monforte-Royo C; Alonso-Babarro A; Arantzamendi M; Belar A; Centeno C; Goni-Fuste B; Julià-Torras J; Martinez M; Mateo-Ortega D; May L; Moreno-Alonso D; Nabal Vicuña M; Noguera A; Pascual A; Perez-Bret E; Rocafort J; Rodríguez-Prat A; Rodriguez D; Sala C; Serna J; Porta-Sales J

    Proactive and systematic multidimensional needs assessment in patients with advanced cancer approaching palliative care: a study protocol.

    Bmj Open 10 -. .


  • Hjermstad, MJ; Aass, N; Aielli, F; Bennett, M; Brunelli, C; Caraceni, A; Cavanna, L; Fassbender, K; Feio, M; Haugen, DF; Jakobsen, G; Laird, B; Løhre ET; Martinez, M; Nabal, M; Noguera-Tejedor, A; Pardon, K; Pigni A; Piva, L; Porta-Sales, J; Rizzi, F; Rondini, E; Sjøgren P; Strasser, F; Turriziani, A; Kaasa, S; European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study (EPCCS)

    Characteristics of the case mix, organisation and delivery in cancer palliative care: a challenge for good-quality research

    BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 8 456-467. .


  • Librada Flores S; Herrera Molina E; Díaz Díez F; Redondo Moralo MJ; Castillo Rodríguez C; McLoughlin, K; Abel, J; Jadad Garcia T; Lucas Díaz MÁ; Trabado Lara I; Guerra-Martin, MD; Nabal, M

    Development and Management of Networks of Care at the End of Life (the REDCUIDA Intervention): Protocol for a Nonrandomized Controlled Trial

    Jmir Research Protocols 7 119-127. .


  • Barallat, E; Nabal, M; Canal, J; Trujillano, J; Gea-Sanchez, M; Larkin, PJ; Downing, MG

    The Spanish Adaptation of the Palliative Performance Scale (Version 2) Among Cancer Patients at the End of Life: Psychometric Properties



  • Balaguer, A; Monforte-Royo, C; Porta-Sales, J; Alonso-Babarro, A; Altisent, R; Aradilla-Herrero, A; Bellido-Perez, M; Breitbart, W; Centeno, C; Cuervo, MA; Deliens, L; Frerich, G; Gastmans, C; Lichtenfeld, S; Limonero, JT; Maier, MA; Materstvedt, LJ; Nabal, M; Rodin, G; Rosenfeld, B; Schroepfer, T; Tomas-Sabado, J; Trelis, J; Villavicencio-Chavez, C; Voltz, R

    An International Consensus Definition of the Wish to Hasten Death and Its Related Factors

    PLOS ONE 11 -. .


  • Martinez-Alonso, M; Dusso, A; Ariza, G; Nabal, M

    Vitamin D deficiency and its association with fatigue and quality of life in advanced cancer patients under palliative care: A cross-sectional study

    Palliative Medicine 30 89-96. .


  • Porta-Sales J; Nabal-Vicuna M; Vallano A; Espinosa J; Planas-Domingo J; Verger-Fransoy E; Julià-Torras J; Serna J; Pascual-López A; Rodríguez D; Grimau I; Morlans G; Sala-Rovira C; Calsina-Berna A; Borras-Andrés JM; Gomez-Batiste X

    Have We Improved Pain Control in Cancer Patients? A Multicenter Study of Ambulatory and Hospitalized Cancer Patients

