Jose Manuel Valdivielso Revilla
Degree: PhD
973 702 952
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5673-2009
Ortiz A; Ferro CJ; Balafa O; Burnier M; Ekart R; Halimi JM; Kreutz R; Mark PB; Persu A; Rossignol P; Ruilope LM; Schmieder RE; Valdivielso JM; Del Vecchio L; Zoccali C; Mallamaci F; Sarafidis P; European Renal and Cardiovascular Medicine (EURECA-m) working group of the Europ
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists for nephroprotection and cardioprotection in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease.
González LM; Robles NR; Mota-Zamorano S; Valdivielso JM; González-Rodríguez L; López-Gómez J; Gervasini G
Influence of variability in the cyclooxygenase pathway on cardiovascular outcomes of nephrosclerosis patients.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 1253-1253. .
Matsushita K; Kaptoge S; Hageman SH; Sang Y; Ballew SH; Grams ME; Surapaneni A; Sun L; Arnlov J; Bozic M; Brenner H; Brunskill NJ; Chang AR; Chinnadurai R; Cirillo M; Correa A; Ebert N; Eckardt KU; Gansevoort RT; Gutierrez O; Hadaegh F; He J; Hwang SJ; Jafar TH; Jassal SK; Kayama T; Kovesdy CP; Landman GW; Levey AS; Lloyd-Jones DM; Major RW; Miura K; Muntner P; Nadkarni GN; Nowak C; Ohkubo T; Pena MJ; Polkinghorne KR; Sairenchi T; Schaeffner E; Schneider MP; Shalev V; Shlipak MG; Solbu MD; Stempniewicz N; Tollitt J; Valdivielso JM; van der Leeuw J; Wang AYM; Wen CP; Woodward M; Yamagishi K; Yatsuya H; Zhang L; Dorresteijn JA; Di Angelantonio E; Visseren FL; Pennells L; Coresh J
Including Measures of Chronic Kidney Disease to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Prediction by SCORE2 and SCORE2-OP.
Sánchez E; Sánchez M; López-Cano C; Bermúdez-López M; Valdivielso JM; Farràs-Sallés C; Pamplona R; Torres G; Mauricio D; Castro E; Fernández E; Lecube A
Is There a Link between Obesity Indices and Skin Autofluorescence? A Response from the ILERVAS Project.
Nutrients 15 -. .
Mota-Zamorano, S; Gonzalez, LM; Robles, NR; Valdivielso, JM; Arevalo-Lorido, JC; Lopez-Gomez, J; Gervasini, G
Polymorphisms in glucose homeostasis genes are associated with cardiovascular and renal parameters in patients with diabetic nephropathy.
ANNALS OF MEDICINE 54 3039-3051. .
Navarro-Gonzalez, JF; Mora-Fernandez, C; Diaz-Tocados, JM; Bozic, M; Bermudez-Lopez, M; Martin, M; Valdivielso, JM
Serum Phosphate Levels Modify the Impact of FGF23 Levels on Hemoglobin in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Nutrients 14 -. .
Bover, J; Trinidad, P; Jara, A; Soler-Majoral, J; Martin-Malo, A; Torres, A; Frazao, J; Urena, P; Dusso, A; Arana, C; Graterol, F; Romero, G; Troya, M; Samaniego, D; D'Marco, L; Valdivielso, JM; Fernandez, E; Arenas, MD; Torregrosa, V; Navarro-Gonzalez, JF; Lloret, MJ; Ballarin, JA; Bosch, RJ; Gorriz, JL; de Francisco, ALM; Gutierrez, O; Ara, J; Felsenfeld, A; Canalejo, A; Almaden, Y
Silver jubilee: 25 years of the first demonstration of the direct effect of phosphate on the parathyroid cell
Nefrologia 42 645-655. .
Quiroga, B; Ramos, PM; Horrillo, AS; Ortiz, A; Valdivieso, JM; Carrero, JJ
Triglycerides-glucose index and the risk of cardiovascular events in persons with non-diabetic chronic kidney disease
Bermúdez-López M; Martí-Antonio M; Castro-Boqué E; Bretones MDM; Farràs C; Torres G; Pamplona R; Lecube A; Mauricio D; Valdivielso JM; Fernández E
Development and Validation of a Personalized, Sex-Specific Prediction Algorithm of Severe Atheromatosis in Middle-Aged Asymptomatic Individuals: The ILERVAS Study.
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9 895917-895917. .
Rayego-Mateos, Sandra; Dolade, Nuria; Garcia-Carrasco, Alicia; Diaz-Tocados, JM; Ibarz, Merce; Valdivielso, JM
The Increase in FGF23 Induced by Calcium Is Partially Dependent on Vitamin D Signaling.
Nutrients 14 -. .
Gonzalez, L; Robles, N; Mota-Zamorano, S; Arevalo-Lorido, J; Valsivielso, J; Lopez-Gomez, J; Gervasini, G
Genetic variability in phospholipase genes affect nephrosclerosis risk and associated cardiovascular outcomes
Mota-Zamorano, S; Gonzalez, L; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, L; Robles, N; Valdivielso, J; Arevalo-Lorido, J; Lopez-Gomez, J; Gervasini, G
Polymorphisms in glucose homeostasis candidate genes affect cardiovascular outcomes of patients with diabetic nephropathy
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