Research > Chronic diseases, Surgery and Health Care

Vascular and renal translational research group

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Publications search
  • Parra, Eduardo; Ramos, Rosa; Betriu, Angels; Paniagua, Jose; Belart, Montse; Martinez, Tomas

    Effect of a quality improvement strategy on several haemodialysis outcomes



  • Parisi, Eva; Maria Rene, Josep; Cardus, Anna; Valcheva, Petya; Pinol-Felis, Carme; Manuel Valdivielso, Jose; Fernandez, Elvira

    Vitamin D receptor levels in colorectal cancer. Possible role of BsmI polymorphism.

    Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 111 87-90. .


  • Coll, Blai; Cabre, Anna; Alonso-Villaverde, Carlos; Lazaro, Iolanda; Aragones, Gerard; Parra, Sandra; Girona, Josefa; Masana, Lluis

    The fatty acid binding protein-4 (FaBP4) is a strong biomarker of metabolic syndrome and lipodystrophy in HIV-infected patients

    Atherosclerosis 199 147-153. .


  • Borras, Merce

    Is low-dose sevelamer administration a cost-effective phosphate-binding strategy in patients on peritoneal dialysis?

    Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology 4 302-303. .


  • Saumoy, Maria; Lopez-Dupla, Miguel; Veloso, Sergi; Alonso-Villaverde, Carlos; Domingo, Pere; Broch, Montserrat; Miranda, Merce; Coll, Blai; Sauri, Amadeu; Vendrell, Joan; Richart, Cristobal; Vidal, Francesc

    The IL-6 system in HIV-1-infection and in HaaRT-related fat redistribution syndromes

    AIDS 22 893-896. .

  • Segui, E. Alsina; Conde, Luisa Martin; Hospital, L. Craver; Giraldez, E. Fernandez

    Postpartum hemolytic uremic syndrome: a rare entity and a treatment challenge

    Nefrologia 28 120-121. .

  • Fernandez, E.

    Uremica calcifying ateriolopathy (calciphylaxis) with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. The current perspective

    Nefrologia 28 20-24. .

  • de La Piedra, C.; Fernandez, E.; Casaus, M. L. Gonzalez; Parra, E. Gonzalez

    Different biological functions in PTH molecules.? What are we measuring?

    Nefrologia 28 123-128. .

  • Parra, E. Gonzalez; Torregrosa, J. V.; Cannata, J.; Bover, J.; Caravaca, F.; Lorenzo, V.; Martin de Francisco, A. L.; Martin-Malo, A.; Martinez, I.; Fernandez Girldez, E.; Rodrfguez, M.

    Recommendations of the spanish society of nephrology for managing bone-mineral metabolic alterations in chronic renal disease patients

    Nefrologia 28 1-22. .

  • Fernández Giráldez ED

    Avances clínicos en calcificación vascular.

    Nefrologia 28 Suppl 5 33-37. .

  • Coll, Blai; Alonso-Villaverde, Carlos; Masana, Lluis

    Influence of inflammatory variables on intima-media thickness

    STROKE 39 16-16. .


  • Fernandez Giraldez, E. D.

    Clinical advances in vascular calcification

    Nefrologia 28 33-37. .