Research Group in Immunology and Metabolism (GRIM)
- Number of publications
- 339
Gonzalez, I; Lecube, A; Rubio, MA; Garcia-Luna, PP
Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: improving outcomes for mother and child
Lecube, A; Valladares, S; Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez, L; Ciudin, A; Fort, JM; Reñé JM; Matias-Guiu, X; de Torres, I; Bueno, M; Pallares, J; Baena, JA
The Role of Morbid Obesity in the Promotion of Metabolic Disruptions and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis by Helicobacter Pylori
PLOS ONE 11 -. .
Verdaguer, J
The specific immunotherapy of autoimmune diseases through the nanomedicine
Bueno, M; Esteba-Castillo, S; Novell, R; Gimenez-Palop, O; Coronas, R; Gabau, E; Corripio, R; Baena, N; Viñas-Jornet M; Guitart, M; Torrents-Rodas, D; Deus, J; Pujol, J; Rigla, M; Caixàs A
Lack of Postprandial Peak in Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome
PLOS ONE 11 -. .
Sanahuja, J; Alonso, N; Diez, J; Ortega, E; Rubinat, E; Traveset, A; Alcubierre, N; Betriu À; Castelblanco, E; Hernandez, M; Purroy, F; Arcidiacono, MV; Jurjo, C; Fernandez, E; Puig-Domingo, M; Groop, PH; Mauricio, D
Increased Burden of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Retinopathy
Diabetes Care 39 1614-1620. .
Lecube A; de Hollanda A; Calañas A; Vilarrasa N; Rubio MA; Breton I; Goday A; Vidal J; Iglesias P; Fernández-Soto ML; Pellitero S; de Cos AI; Morales MJ; Campos C; Masmiquel L; Tinahones F; Pujante P; García-Luna PP; Bueno M; Cámara R; Bandrés O; Caixàs A
Trends in Bariatric Surgery in Spain in the Twenty-First Century: Baseline Results and 1-Month Follow Up of the RICIBA, a National Registry
OBESITY SURGERY 26 1836-1842. .
Gutierrez, L. P.; Sanchez, E.; Lopez, C.; Sanchez, M.; Seminario, A.; Turino, C.; Barbe, F.; Santos, M. D.; Hernandez, M.; Lecube, A.
Effect of glycaemic control on pulmonary function: data from a 3-months interventional study
Diabetologia 59 520-520. .
Betriu À; Farràs C; Abajo, M; Martinez-Alonso, M; Arroyo, D; Barbe, F; Buti, M; Lecube, A; Portero, M; Purroy, F; Torres, G; Valdivielso, JM; Fernandez, E
Randomised intervention study to assess the prevalence of subclinical vascular disease and hidden kidney disease and its impact on morbidity and mortality: The ILERVAS project
Nefrologia 36 389-396. .
Leeth, CM; Racine, J; Chapman, HD; Arpa, B; Carrillo, J; Carrascal, J; Wang, QM; Ratiu, J; Egia-Mendikute, L; Rosell-Mases, E; Stratmann, T; Verdaguer, J; Serreze, DV
B-Lymphocytes Expressing an Ig Specificity Recognizing the Pancreatic beta-Cell Autoantigen Peripherin Are Potent Contributors to Type 1 Diabetes Development in NOD Mice
Diabetes 65 1977-1987. .
Lecube, A; Sanchez, E; Gomez-Peralta, F; Abreu, C; Valls, J; Mestre, O; Romero, O; Martinez, MD; Sampol, G; Ciudin, A; Hernandez, C; Simo, R
Global Assessment of the Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on Sleep through Specific Questionnaires. A Case-Control Study
PLOS ONE 11 -. .
Alcubierre, N; Navarrete-Munoz, EM; Rubinat, E; Falguera, M; Valls, J; Traveset, A; Vilanova, MB; Marsal, JR; Hernandez, M; Granado-Casas, M; Martinez-Gonzalez, D; Jurjo, C; Franch-Nadal, J; Vioque, J; Mauricio, D
Association of low oleic acid intake with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetic patients: a case-control study
Nutrition & Metabolism 13 40-40. .
Pardina, E; Ferrer, R; Rossell, J; Baena-Fustegueras, JA; Lecube, A; Fort, JM; Caubet, E; Gonzalez, O; Vilallonga, R; Vargas, V; Balibrea, JM; Peinado-Onsurbe, J
Diabetic and dyslipidaemic morbidly obese exhibit more liver alterations compared with healthy morbidly obese
BBA Clinical 5 54-65. .