Oncological pathology
- Number of publications
- 547
Matas-Nadal, Clara; Fernández-Armenteros, Josep Manel; Vilardell, Felip; Casanova, Josep Manel; Aguayo Ortiz, Rafael S.
Carcinoma ecrino: dos casos de una neoplasia inusual y revisión de la literatura
Piel 35 159-165. .
Etxeberria, I; Bolaños E; Quetglas, JI; Gros, A; Villanueva, A; Palomero, J; Sanchez-Paulete, AR; Piulats, JM; Matias-Guiu, X; Olivera, I; Ochoa, MC; Labiano, S; Garasa, S; Rodriguez, I; Vidal, A; Mancheño U; Hervas-Stubbs, S; Azpilikueta, A; Otano, I; Aznar, MA; Sanmamed, MF; Inoges, S; Berraondo, P; Teijeira, A; Melero, I
Intratumor Adoptive Transfer of IL-12 mRNA Transiently Engineered Antitumor CD8(+)T Cells
CANCER CELL 36 613-629. .
Sanchez, E; Lecube, A; Betriu À; Hernandez, C; Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Kerkeni, M; Yeramian, A; Purroy, F; Pamplona, R; Farràs C; Fernandez, E; Barbe, F; Simo, R; ILERVAS project; Hernández M; Rius F; Polanco D; de la Torre MS; Torres G; Godoy P; Portero-Otin M; Jové M; Colàs-Compàs L; Benabdelhak I; Miquel E; Ortega M; Valdivielso JM; Bermúdez M; Martínez-Alonso M
Subcutaneous advanced glycation end-products and lung function according to glucose abnormalities: The MR-1 ILERVAS Project
Diabetes & metabolism 45 595-598. .
Villalobos, RN; Mias, MC; Gas, C; Maestre, Y; Nogués, M.; Vilardell, F; Olsina, JJ
Atraumatic laparoscopic intraperitoneal mesh fixation using a new laparoscopic device: an animal experimental study
Hernia 23 1123-1132. .
Salazar E; Salazar AM; Taylor P; Urdanibia I; Pérez K; Rodríguez-Acosta A; Sánchez EE; Guerrero B
Contribution of endothelial cell and macrophage activation in the alterations induced by the venom of Micrurus tener tener in C57BL/6 mice.
Capdevila, J; Mayor, R; Mancuso, FM; Iglesias, C; Caratu, G; Matos, I; Zafon, C; Hernando, J; Petit, A; Nuciforo, P; Cameselle-Teijeiro, JM; Alvarez, CV; Recio, JA; Tabernero, J; Matias-Guiu, X; Vivancos, A; Seoane, J
Early evolutionary divergence between papillary and anaplastic thyroid cancers (vol 29, pg 1454, 2018)
ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 30 1843-1843. .
Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Sanchez, E; Gonzalez, J; Yeramian, A; Marti, R; Hernandez, M; Cao, G; Ribelles, M; Gomez, X; Barril, S; Barbe, F; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A
Sympathetic Hyperactivity and Sleep Disorders in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Frontiers in Endocrinology 10 752-752. .
Roman-Canal, B; Moiola, CP; Gatius, S; Bonnin, S; Ruiz-Miro, M; Gonzalez, E; Ojanguren, A; Recuero, JL; Gil-Moreno, A; Falcon-Perez, JM; Ponomarenko, J; Porcel, JM; Matias-Guiu, X; Colas, E
EV-associated miRNAs from pleural lavage as potential diagnostic biomarkers in lung cancer
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9 15057-15057. .
Carmona-Bayonas, A; Jimenez-Fonseca, P; Lamarca, A; Barriuso, J; Castaño Á; Benavent, M; Alonso, V; Riesco-Martínez MDC; Alonso-Gordoa, T; Custodio, A; Sánchez Cánovas M; Hernando Cubero J; Lopez, C; Lacasta, A; Fernández Montes A; Marazuela, M; Crespo, G; Escudero, P; Diaz, JA; Feliciangeli, E; Gallego, J; Llanos, M; Segura, A; Vilardell, F; Percovich, JC; Grande, E; Capdevila, J; Valle, JW; Garcia-Carbonero, R
Prediction of Progression-Free Survival in Patients With Advanced, Well-Differentiated, Neuroendocrine Tumors Being Treated With a Somatostatin Analog: The GETNE-TRASGU Study
Journal of Clinical Oncology 37 2571-2580. .
Palacios, Jose; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Rodriguez-Peralto, Jose Luis; de Alava, Enrique; Lopez, Jose Ignacio
Retos e implicaciones clínicas de la heterogeneidad intratumoral
Revista espanola de patologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Anatomia Patologica y de la Sociedad Espanola de Citologia 52 234-241. .
Majem, B; Parrilla, A; Jimenez, C; Suarez-Cabrera, L; Barber, M; Marin, A; Castellvi, J; Tamayo, G; Moreno-Bueno, G; Ponce, J; Matias-Guiu, X; Alameda, F; Romero, I; Sanchez, JL; Perez-Benavente, A; Moran, S; Esteller, M; Reventos, J; Rigau, M; Gil-Moreno, A; Segura, MF; Santamaria, A
MicroRNA-654-5p suppresses ovarian cancer development impacting on MYC, WNT and AKT pathways
ONCOGENE 38 6035-6050. .
Porcel, JM; Esquerda, A; Bielsa, S; Novell, A; Sorolla, MA; Gatius, S; Zamora, C; Vidal, S; Salud, A
Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) from pleural fluid cell lysates is a highly accurate diagnostic biomarker of adenocarcinomatous effusions
RESPIROLOGY 24 799-804. .