Organization chart
Organization chart
The IRBLleida is divided in:
- Governing bodies (Board of trustees and Delegate Commission)
- Scientific advisory boards (Internal Scientific Committee and External Scientific Committee)
- Business advisory board
- Management
Board of trustees
Més informació- Hon. Dra. Olga Pané Mena, president, Health Minister of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Hon. Dr. Núria Montserrat Pulido i Farreras, deputy vicepresident, Research and Universities Minister of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Dr. Jaume Puy i Llorens Deputy, vicepresident, Rector of the University of Lleida
- Dr. Javier Selva Sánchez, director general of Knowledge Transfer and Society in the Research and Universities Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Dr. Ferran Barbé Illa, member, Head of Pneumology of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital in Lleida
- Dr. Joan Gómez Pallarès, member, Director General of Research in the Research and Universities Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Mrs. Montserrat Llavayol i Giralt, member, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation in the Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Dra. Rosa Maria Perez Perez, member, Manager Lleida Health Region
- Dra. Olga Martín Belloso, Vice-Rector for Research at the University of Lleida
- Mr. Francisco Javier Massó Pérez, Deputy Director General for Research in the Research and Universities Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Mrs. Ana Maria Plaza Tesías, member, Director General for Health Planning of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Dr. Joaquim Ros Salvador, member, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Lleida
- Dra. Laia Pellejà i Puxeu, member, Manager CERCA
- Dr. Francesc Xavier Grau i Vidal, member, Secretary of Universities and Research in the Research and Universities Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Mr. Ramon Saladrigues Solé, member, Manager of the University of Lleida
- Dr. Alfons Segarra Medrano, Regional Manager of the Catalan Health Board in Lleida
- Mr. Joan Talarn i Gilabert, member, President of Diputació de Lleida
- Dra. Pilar Vaqué Castilla, member, Director of Primary Care, Catalan Health Board in Lleida
Delegate Commission
Més informació- Mrs. Montserrat Llavayol i Giralt, member, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation in the Health Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Dr. Joan Gómez Pallarès, director General of Research in Research and Universities Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia
- Dra. Laia Pellejà i Puxeu, manager CERCA
- Mr. Ramon Saladrigues Solé, manager of the University of Lleida
- Dra. Olga Martín Belloso, vice-Rector for Research and Transfer, University of Lleida
- Dr. Alfons Segarra Medrano, regional Manager of the Catalan Health Board in Lleida, Alt Pirineu and Aran
IRBLleida internal scientific committee
Més informació- Dr. Diego Arango del Corro, president, Director IRBLleida
- Dr. Marcelino Bermúdez López, member, Principal investigator del grup Grup de recerca translacional vascular i renal
- Dra. Ana Garcerá Teruel, vice-president, Member in charge of the Neurosciences research area
- Dr. Eloi Garí Marsol, member, Member in charge of the Cancer research area
- Dra. Mariona Jové Font, member,r Member Principal Investigator of the Metabolic Physiopathology group
- Sra. Eva López Truco, member, Member in charge of Quality
- Dra. Anna Macià Armengol, member, Member Principal Investigator of the Oncological Pathology group
- Dra. Rosa Maria Martí Laborda, secretary, Member Principal Investigator of the Oncological Pathology group
- Dr. Manel Portero Otín, member, Member Principal Investigator of the Metabolic Physiopathology group
- Dr. Francesc Purroy Garcia, member, Member in charge of training
- Dr. Joaquim Ros Salvador, member, Member in charge of the Nutrition, metabolism and cellular stress research area
- Dra. Esther Rubinat Arnaldo, member, Member in charge of the health care research group (GRECS)
- Dra. Antonieta Salud Salvia, member, Member in charge of the Cancer Biomarker Research Group (GReBiC)
- Dr. Joan Sayós Ortega, member, Member in charge of Innovation
- Dr. Juan Antonio Schoenenberger Arnaiz, member, Member in charge of the Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacodynamics group
- Dra. Anabel Sorolla Bardají, member, Member Principal Investigator of the Biomarkers in Cancer Research Group (GReBiC)
- Dr. Albert Sorribas Tello Member, member, Principal Investigator of the Systems Biology and Statistical Methods for Research Group
- Dr. José Manuel Valdivielso Revilla, member, Member Responsible for the research area Chronic diseases, surgery and cures in health and training
- Dr. Oriol Yuguero Torres Member, member, Responsible for the Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases and Public Health research area
IRBLleida external scientific committee
Més informació- Dr. Ángeles Almeida Parra, doctor of Pharmacy. Scientific assistant director of the Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca (IBSAL). Head of the Molecular Neurobiology Group in the IBSAL and the Institute of Biology and Functional Genomics (IBFG). Associate Professor of the University of Salamanca.
- Dr. Antonio Andreu Periz, Scientific Director, EATRIS-ERIC.
- Dr. Claudia Faria, neurosurgeon at Hospital de Santa Maria, Portugal. Coordinator of the Brain Tumor Bank in Portugal, co-director of the Biobank at Biobanco-iMM/CAML in Lisbon, president of the Portuguese Neuro-oncological Association (APNO) and chair of the Young Investigators & Innovators Group of the European Society for Pediatric Oncology's Brain Tumor Group (SIOP-E BTG), among other leadership positions.
- Dr. John Mariadason, professor of the School of Cancer Medicine, La Trobe University (Honorary); professor of the University of Melbourne Department of Medicine, Austin Health (Honorary); head of the Division of Cancer Biology and Therapy, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute; head of the Oncogenic Transcription Laboratory, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute; director of Graduate Research, School of Cancer Medicine (ONJCRI), La Trobe University.
- Dr. Teresa Moreno-Casbas, senior Nursing research. Nursing and Healthcare Research Unit (Investén-ISCIII), Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Regulations of the External Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB)
Business Advisory Board
Més informació- Raquel Egea, CEO of Alma Medical.
- Menno Marien, CEO of Bsure Medical.
- Sun Yipeng, Director of Europa Infervision.
- Jessica Vitos Faleato, Grifols Senior Manager Innovation.
- Lluis Blanch, president of Btcare and ITEMAS.
- Laura Rodríguez, director of Invivo Capital (venture capital fund of the Barcelona Medical Association).
- Antoni Gelonch, member of the Social Council of the University of Lleida.
- Ramon Boixadera, Director of the economic promotion board at Diputació de Lleida.
- Marina Rigau, CEO and Co-founder of MiMARK.
- Jordi Cabau Manau, CTO - Innovation of Electrònica Saltó SLU.
Més informació- Director: Diego Arango del Corro
- Deputy director: Joan Sayós Ortega
- Manager: Eva López Truco